If you monitor multiple markets, then our Institutional subscription may be just what you need. With this subscription you have access to all analysis accessories which are included in the Professional subscription, for all of Investtech's markets. This includes, among others, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, USA, UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Hong Kong and India. You also receive a choice of raw materials, indices and currencies. With Institutional you can also create your own personal lists/universes of the companies you monitor for multiple markets. This will simplify the job and provide you with a unique opportunity to compare companies within the same sector. You can also set limits for liquidity and other criteria, such as allowing only companies with over 10 million in daily turnover to appear on the ranking lists.
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Investeringsanbefalinge(r)n(e) er udarbejdet af Investtech.com AS ("Investtech"). Investtech garanterer ikke for fuldstændigheden eller rigtigheden af analysen. Eventuel eksponering i forhold til de råd / signaler, som fremkommer i analyserne, står helt og holdent for investors regning og risiko. Investtech er hverken direkte eller indirekte ansvarlig for tab, der opstår som følge af brug af Investtechs analyser. Oplysninger om eventuelle interessekonflikter vil altid fremgå af investeringsanbefalingen. Yderligere information om Investtechs analyser findes på infosiden.