
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 TeraGo Inc. TGO Jul 5, 2024 2.05 +6.22   
 Teras Resources Inc. TRA Jul 5, 2024 0.01 0.00   
 TerrAscend Corp TSND Jul 5, 2024 1.83 +1.67   
 TerraVest Industries Inc TVK Jul 5, 2024 70.37 -1.72   
 Tesoro Minerals Corp TES Jul 5, 2024 0.02 0.00   
 Tethys Petroleum Limited TPL Jul 5, 2024 0.74 +5.71   
 Teuton Resources Corp. TUO Jul 5, 2024 1.30 +4.00   
 TFI International TFII Jul 5, 2024 200.23 -0.14   
 Themac Resources Group Limited MAC Jul 5, 2024 0.04 0.00   
 Theralase Technologies Inc. TLT Jul 5, 2024 0.19 +2.70   
 Theratechnologies TH Jul 5, 2024 1.87 -2.09   
 Thermal Energy International Inc TMG Jul 5, 2024 0.23 0.00   
 Thesis Gold Inc TAU Jul 5, 2024 0.72 +7.46   
 Thinkific Labs Inc THNC Jul 5, 2024 3.57 -1.92   
 Thiogenesis Therapeutics Corp TTI Jul 5, 2024 0.68 0.00   
 Thomson Reuters TRI Jul 5, 2024 230.65 -0.28   
 Thomson-Reuters Corp FR PRF PERPETUAL CAD 25 - Ser II TRI.PR.B Jul 5, 2024 13.50 0.00   
 Thor Explorations Ltd THX Jul 5, 2024 0.26 0.00   
 THS Maple Holdings Ltd. YAY Jul 5, 2024 0.20 0.00   
 Thunder Gold Corp TGOL Jul 5, 2024 0.03 0.00   
 Thunderbird Entertainment Group Inc TBRD Jul 5, 2024 1.77 +6.63   
 Thunderbird Minerals Corp BIRD Jul 5, 2024 0.04 0.00   
 Thunderstruck Resources Ltd AWE Jul 5, 2024 0.07 0.00   
 Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure Ltd TWM Jul 5, 2024 0.57 -3.39   
 Tidewater Renewables Ltd LCFS Jul 5, 2024 7.40 +2.78   
 Tier One Silver Inc TSLV Jul 5, 2024 0.14 -3.45   
 Till Capital Corp TIL Jul 5, 2024 1.85 0.00   
 Tilray Brands TLRY Jul 5, 2024 2.34 -2.50   
 Timbercreek Financial Corp TF Jul 5, 2024 7.22 -1.90   
 Timberline Resources Corp. TBR Jul 5, 2024 0.14 0.00   

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