
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 Hilton Metal Forging Ltd. 532847 Jun 28, 2024 95.10 -4.85   
 Him Teknoforge Ltd. 505712 Jun 28, 2024 184.90 +1.04   
 Himachal Fibres Ltd. 514010 Jun 28, 2024 57.14 -1.91   
 Himadri Speciality Chemical Ltd. 500184 Jun 28, 2024 394.95 +1.40   
 Himalaya Food International Ltd. 526899 Jun 28, 2024 23.93 -1.64   
 Himalchuli Food Products Ltd. 511169 Jun 28, 2024 7.92 0.00   
 Himatsingka Seide Ltd. 514043 Jun 28, 2024 138.80 +0.33   
 Hind Aluminium Industries Ltd. 531979 Jun 28, 2024 60.50 +1.27   
 Hind Rectifiers Ltd. 504036 Jun 28, 2024 672.75 -1.23   
 Hindalco Industries Ltd. 500440 Jun 28, 2024 693.45 +1.16   
 Hindoostan Mills Ltd 509895 Jun 28, 2024 308.05 +10.00   
 Hinduja Global Solutions Ltd. 532859 Jun 28, 2024 839.55 -0.48   
 Hindustan Adhesives Ltd. 514428 Jun 28, 2024 387.80 +1.41   
 Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. 541154 Jun 28, 2024 5 263.05 -0.37   
 Hindustan Bio Sciences Ltd. 532041 Jun 28, 2024 8.34 -0.48   
 Hindustan Composites Ltd. 509635 Jun 28, 2024 518.25 +1.84   
 Hindustan Construction Co. Ltd. 500185 Jun 28, 2024 47.65 -1.12   
 Hindustan Copper Ltd. 513599 Jun 28, 2024 318.60 -0.28   
 Hindustan Everest Tools Ltd. 505725 Jun 28, 2024 1 207.45 -0.71   
 Hindustan Flurocarbons Ltd. 524013 Jun 28, 2024 18.16 -2.26   
 Hindustan Foods Ltd. 519126 Jun 28, 2024 535.90 +2.47   
 Hindustan Hardy Ltd. 505893 Jun 28, 2024 541.95 -0.61   
 Hindustan Media Ventures Limited 533217 Jun 28, 2024 97.58 -0.69   
 Hindustan Motors Ltd. 500500 Jun 28, 2024 33.08 +0.30   
 Hindustan Oil Exploration Co. Ltd. 500186 Jun 28, 2024 195.75 -1.16   
 Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd. 500449 Jun 28, 2024 45.24 -0.70   
 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. 500104 Jun 28, 2024 332.10 -0.48   
 Hindustan Tin Work Ltd. 530315 Jun 28, 2024 171.80 +0.32   
 Hindustan Unilever Ltd. 500696 Jun 28, 2024 2 475.20 +0.51   
 Hindustan Zinc Ltd. 500188 Jun 28, 2024 668.90 -0.51   

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