
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 Integra Capital Management Ltd. 531314 Jul 4, 2024 19.34 +1.79   
 Integra Engineering India Ltd 505358 Jul 4, 2024 277.50 -0.25   
 Integra Garments & Textiles Ltd 535958 Jul 4, 2024 3.90 -1.76   
 Integra Telecommunication & Software Ltd 536868 Jul 4, 2024 6.86 0.00   
 Integrated Capital Services Ltd. 539149 Jul 4, 2024 4.15 +1.22   
 Integrated Protiens Ltd. 519606 Jul 4, 2024 13.50 -3.91   
 Integrated Technologies Ltd. 531889 Jul 4, 2024 241.40 +4.98   
 Intellect Design Arena Ltd 538835 Jul 4, 2024 1 096.85 +0.39   
 Intellivate Capital Advisors Ltd. 534732 Jul 4, 2024 71.64 +0.84   
 Intellivate Capital Ventures Ltd 506134 Jul 4, 2024 46.17 -3.59   
 Intense Technologies Ltd. 532326 Jul 4, 2024 158.00 +2.93   
 Inter Globe Finance Ltd. 511391 Jul 4, 2024 85.26 -2.00   
 Inter State Oil Carrier Ltd. 530259 Jul 4, 2024 39.89 -2.85   
 Interactive Financial Services Ltd. 539692 Jul 4, 2024 24.90 -1.03   
 InterGlobe Aviation Ltd. 539448 Jul 4, 2024 4 286.85 +0.20   
 International Combustion (India) Ltd. 505737 Jul 4, 2024 1 627.05 -1.72   
 International Conveyors Ltd. 509709 Jul 4, 2024 82.95 +0.08   
 International Data Management Ltd. 517044 Jul 4, 2024 23.02 -4.99   
 International Travel House Ltd. 500213 Jul 4, 2024 621.80 +2.90   
 Interworld Digital Ltd. 532072 Jul 4, 2024 0.55 0.00   
 Intrasoft Technologies Limited 533181 Jul 4, 2024 130.25 +5.00   
 Inventure Growth and Securities Ltd 533506 Jul 4, 2024 2.87 +0.35   
 Investment & Precision Castings Ltd. 504786 Jul 4, 2024 565.20 -1.70   
 Investment Trust of India Ltd. 530023 Jul 4, 2024 188.00 +8.51   
 IO Systems Ltd. 523752 Jul 4, 2024 29.73 -3.57   
 IOL Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 524164 Jul 4, 2024 423.20 -2.35   
 Ion Exchange (India) Ltd. 500214 Jul 4, 2024 659.50 +1.04   
 IP Rings Ltd. 523638 Jul 4, 2024 203.70 +1.17   
 Ipca Laboratories Ltd. 524494 Jul 4, 2024 1 176.80 +1.77   
 IRB Infrastructure Developers Ltd 532947 Jul 4, 2024 67.69 +3.01   

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