Medium and long term charts ⓘAnalyses for the medium and long term, respectively 1-6 months and 1-6 quarters investment perspective. Medium and long term charts →
Concrete buy and sell signals ⓘSpecific buy and sell signals for each stock.
Health Check ⓘGet a detailed portfolio health check.
Today's Case ⓘToday's Case gives you a selected stock which is technically positive.
Top 50 ⓘThe Top50 list provides you with a ranking of the 50 most positive/negative stocks. Top 50 →
Price alerts ⓘYou may enter a price alert for a stock and be notified when the price reaches this level. Price alerts →
Watchlist ⓘCreate a watchlist of stocks you are interested in.
My portfolios ⓘGain better control of your investments with Investtech`s portfolio system. My portfolios →
Model portfolio ⓘThe Model Portfolio aims to show how active investors can achieve good return by using Investtech's analyses. Model portfolio →
Factor diagram ⓘThe Factor diagram visualises the stock's four most important qualities. Factor diagram →
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Take your investment decisions to another level with short term analyses and more advanced tools.
Morning reports ⓘThe report consists of daily evaluations by Investtech`s automated analysis system.
Trend signals ⓘThe Trend signals tool shows stocks that recently entered into a rising or falling trend. Trend signals →
Pivot points ⓘPivot points are tops and bottoms in the chart. Pivot points →
Key ratios ⓘKey financial indicators give information about a company's performance based on reported financial results for a given time period. Key ratios →
Trading ideas ⓘTrading Ideas is an inspiration for short term investments. Trading ideas →
Stay away portfolio ⓘThis Portfolio aims to show subscribers which stocks Investtech's analyses say to stay away from. Stay away portfolio →
Trading limits ⓘTrading Limits shows the stock’s historical development throughout the trading day and its statistical price fluctuation. Trading limits →
Complete report ⓘComplete report is a full overview of available information about the company.
Factor diagram ⓘThe Factor diagram visualises the stock's five most important qualities. Factor diagram →
Candlesticks ⓘCandlestick analysis is the best tool for doing a detailed short term volume analysis. Candlesticks →
A wide range of advanced selection tools and overall analysis to scale your investments.
Overall analysis ⓘOverall analysis for all time perspectives; long, medium and short term. Overall analysis →
Stock selection ⓘStock selection is likely the best stock picking tool Investtech offers. The most common usage is to select liquidity and time perspective, e.g. 50 % most liquid and short term. Stock selection →
Insider trade analysis ⓘAnalysis of insider trades is InvesttechÕs alternative to fundamental analysis. Insider trade analysis →
Hausse ⓘThe Hausse indices are indicators of optimism. Hausse →
Result Analysis ⓘHow the stock price has moved before and after the company's publication of accounting figures. Result Analysis →
Compare stocks ⓘCompare the price development of a stock with 30,000 other stocks, commodities and indices. Compare stocks →
Trading opportunities ⓘThe Trading opportunities table is a stock picking tool. The table shows stocks with combinations of technical indicators that strongly indicate further rise or fall. Trading opportunities →
Seasonal variations ⓘAnalysis of seasonal variations shows how a stock statistically has varied throughout the year. Seasonal variations →
Chart view of ranking lists ⓘGraphic chart view of all ranking lists.
Ranking by signals ⓘAn overview of the latest buy and sell signals identified by Investtech`s systems. Signals from price patterns are assumed to indicate in which direction the majority of investors are moving. Ranking by signals →
Early warning ⓘIn the early warning service calculates the price levels that will trigger the next days buy and sell signals (signal levels). Early warning →
Access to all 30,000 stocks, commodities and currencies, suited for experienced investment strategists.
All 30,000 stocks, commodities and currencies ⓘAll 30,000 stocks, commodities and currencies.
Self-defined universes ⓘDefine your own universe of stocks.
Alarms ⓘOverview of the stocks in your universes that have triggered signals.
Personal customer service representative for technical questions ⓘContact your personal customer service representative with any technical questions you may have.
Flexible selection criteria ⓘWide range of flexible selection criteria.
Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer.
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Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer.
The content provided by is NOT SEC or FSA regulated and is therefore not intended for US or UK consumers.