RSI er en meget benyttet indikator inden for teknisk analyse. Forkortelsen RSI står for Relative Strength Index og er et mål for, hvor godt en aktie er gået målt op imod sig selv. Tallet beregnes ved at se på styrken i opgangsdagene i forhold til styrken i nedgangsdagene over en bestemt periode, og tildeles en værdi mellem 0 og 100.
En aktie, som er steget meget i forhold til reaktionerne tilbage undervejs, vil have en høj RSI. Tilsvarende vil en aktie, som er faldet meget i forhold til reaktionerne op undervejs, have en lav RSI. RSI bruges både som en indikator for, om en aktie er oversolgt eller overkøbt, og om den har positivt momentum eller negativt momentum.
RSI kan give indikationer som
Mange investorer mener, at RSI også kan give indikationer, som at aktier er steget eller faldet for meget og skal reagere tilbage. Investtechs forskning konkluderer, at sådan en overkøbt- oversolgt-tolkning statistisk set ikke stemmer overens med virkeligheden.
Læs forskningsrapporten om RSI her.
En aktie bliver overkøbt, når den er steget meget på kort tid uden særlige reaktioner tilbage undervejs. Tanken er, at den da er steget for meget og snart vil reagere tilbage sådan, at man bør sælge.
Tilsvarende bliver en aktie oversolgt, når den er faldet meget på kort tid. Dette kan indikere, at den snart vil få en reaktion op og bør købes. Se eksempel herunder.
RSI bruges imidlertid også som en momentumindikator. Tanken her er, at store kursbevægelser indikerer, at investormassen er i bevægelse. Da gælder det om at hænge på og være med på bevægelserne, som er startet, med tanke på at endda flere investorer kommer med senere og driver kurserne videre i samme retning. Se eksempel herunder.
RSI above 70 shows strong positive momentum in the stock. The stock has risen in the short term, with few reactions downwards. Investors have continued to pay more to buy stocks. This indicates that more buyers are entering the stock and that the price will continue to rise.
RSI above 70 used to be considered a sign of danger. These stocks were said to be overbought and it was assumed they would soon see a reaction down. However, Investtech’s research shows that these stocks have continued to rise, in fact more so than the market.
The following applies to high RSI:
In general we want high RSI, i.e. strong short term momentum, for stocks we own or are going to buy. It can be a psychological challenge to buy such stocks, since they have already risen quite a bit and may seem expensive. However, high RSI indicates that more investors are buying and that the rise will continue.
statSummaryRelPos statSummaryRelPosNumberSignificant
Annualised return (based on 66-day figures) | |
Signaux positifs moyen terme | 17.1% |
Reference index | 9.7% |
Excess return | 7.4pp |
RSI below 30 shows strong negative momentum in the stock. The stock has fallen a lot in a short time, without significant reactions upwards. Investors keep reducing the price to sell their stocks. This indicates that investors are leaving the stock, pessimism is increasing and the price will continue to fall.
RSI below 30 used to be considered a good buy opportunity. These stocks were oversold, having fallen a lot in a short time. The theory said they would soon see a reaction upwards. However, Investtech’s research shows that these stocks have clearly underperformed compared to the market.
The following applies to low RSI:
Stocks with low RSI have negative momentum and our research shows you should stay away from such stocks. It may be tempting to buy such stocks, because they have fallen a lot and seem cheap. However, low RSI indicates increasing pessimism and that the price will continue to fall.
statSummaryRelNeg statSummaryRelNegNumberSignificant
Annualised return (based on 66-day figures) | |
Signaux négatifs moyen terme | 6.1% |
Reference index | 11.7% |
Excess return | -5.7pp |
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Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer.
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