
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 Bulten BULTEN Jul 5, 2024 84.20 +0.60   
 Bure Equity BURE Jul 5, 2024 351.40 +0.34   
 BW LPG BWLPGO Jul 5, 2024 195.20 +0.98   
 BW Offshore Limited BWOO Jul 5, 2024 31.10 0.00   
 Byggmax Group BMAX Jul 5, 2024 35.86 +0.11   
 Byggmästare Anders J Ahlström Holding B AJAB Jul 5, 2024 269.00 +0.37   
 ByggPartner Gruppen AB BYGGP Jul 5, 2024 17.80 -1.39   
 C-RAD B CRADB Jul 5, 2024 43.05 +0.94   
 Cadeler CADLRO Jul 5, 2024 66.50 0.00   
 CAG Group CAG Jul 5, 2024 107.00 0.00   
 Calliditas Therapeutics CALTX Jul 5, 2024 205.60 -0.29   
 Camurus CAMX Jul 5, 2024 596.50 +1.97   
 Candles Scandinavia CANDLEB Jul 5, 2024 24.70 +0.41   
 Cantargia CANTA Jul 5, 2024 4.25 +1.05   
 Carbiotix CRBX Jul 5, 2024 0.04 -1.79   
 Cardeon CARDEO Jul 5, 2024 0.04 -12.50   
 Careium AB CARE Jul 5, 2024 30.40 -0.65   
 Case CASE Jul 5, 2024 14.80 0.00   
 Castellum CAST Jul 5, 2024 131.65 +0.80   
 Catella A CATA Jul 5, 2024 28.20 0.00   
 Catella B CATB Jul 5, 2024 29.40 0.00   
 Catena CATE Jul 5, 2024 552.00 +1.66   
 Catena Media CTM Jul 5, 2024 6.01 -1.80   
 Cavendish Hydrogen CAVENO Jul 5, 2024 25.55 0.00   
 Cavotec SA CCC Jul 5, 2024 19.90 +0.51   
 CDON CDON Jul 5, 2024 120.50 -0.82   
 Cedergrenska CEDER Jul 5, 2024 21.80 0.00   
 Cell Impact CI Jul 5, 2024 0.28 -0.35   
 CellaVision CEVI Jul 5, 2024 246.00 -0.40   
 Cereno Scientific B CRNOB Jul 5, 2024 6.45 +7.68   

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