
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 Anoto Group ANOT Jul 4, 2024 0.18 -6.75   
 ANTCO. Investment Group ANTCOB Jul 4, 2024 0.10 0.00   
 Appspotr APTR Jul 4, 2024 0.37 +1.09   
 Aprendere Skolor APRNDR Jul 4, 2024 8.95 -2.72   
 Aptahem APTA Jul 4, 2024 0.03 -6.67   
 AQ Group AQ Jul 4, 2024 144.02 -0.25   
 Aquaticus Real Estate AQUAT Jul 4, 2024 69.00 0.00   
 Arbona A ARBOA Jul 4, 2024 3.26 -1.81   
 Arcario ARCA Jul 4, 2024 0.02 -2.40   
 Arcede Pharma AB ARCEDE Jul 4, 2024 0.01 +6.12   
 Archelon Natural Resources ALONNRB Jul 4, 2024 0.58 +12.50   
 Arcoma ARCOMA Jul 4, 2024 17.00 +0.59   
 Arctic Blue Beverages AB ARCTIC Jul 4, 2024 0.29 0.00   
 Arctic Minerals ARCT Jul 4, 2024 0.31 +3.00   
 Arctic Paper ARP Jul 4, 2024 64.35 +1.82   
 Arion Bank SDB ARIONSDB Jul 4, 2024 10.00 +0.20   
 Arise ARISE Jul 4, 2024 49.60 +0.71   
 Arjo ARJOB Jul 4, 2024 41.56 +2.47   
 Arla Plast ARPL Jul 4, 2024 52.60 +1.15   
 Arlandastad Group AGROUP Jul 4, 2024 27.30 -0.73   
 AroCell AROC Jul 4, 2024 0.41 0.00   
 Aros Bostadsutveckling Pref B AROSPREFB Jul 4, 2024 84.53 0.00   
 Artificial Solutions International ASAI Jul 4, 2024 0.52 -5.50   
 Asarina Pharma ASAP Jul 4, 2024 0.67 -4.55   
 Ascelia Pharma ACE Jul 4, 2024 9.20 +4.55   
 Assa Abloy B ASSAB Jul 4, 2024 299.00 -0.63   
 AstraZeneca AZN Jul 4, 2024 1 627.50 +1.18   
 Athanase Innovation ATIN Jul 4, 2024 18.40 0.00   
 Atlas Copco A ATCOA Jul 4, 2024 195.75 -1.01   
 Atlas Copco B ATCOB Jul 4, 2024 169.30 -0.99   

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