
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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  Rize Education Tech & Digital Learning UCITS ETF - USD Acc LERN
12 0.00 5 72 0
  Rize Environmental Impact 100 UCITS ETF - USD Acc WRLD
8 0.04 6 39 -32
  Rize Sustainable Future of Food UCITS ETF - USD Acc RIZF
-67 0.11 5 32 39
  Solar Energy UCITS ETF - Acc TANN
71 0.00 9 43 0
  SPDR Bloomberg 0-3 Year Euro Corporate Bond UCITS ETF SYBD
60 0.39 0 58 -6
  SPDR Bloomberg 0-3 Year US Corporate Bond UCITS ETF SYBF
-4 0.02 2 56 -46
  SPDR Bloomberg 0-5 Year Sterling Corporate Bond UCITS ETF SYBQ
95 0.00 1 67 6
  SPDR Bloomberg 1-10 Year U.S. Corporate Bond UCITS ETF SYBR
-3 0.02 2 58 -6
  SPDR Bloomberg 1-3 Month T-Bill MXN Hdg UCITS ETF (Acc) ZPRM
25 0.02 4 44 -26
  SPDR Bloomberg 1-3 Month T-Bill UCITS ETF (acc) ZPR1
97 0.57 0 100 58
  SPDR Bloomberg 1-3 Year Euro Government Bond UCITS ETF SYB3
91 0.74 0 57 27
  SPDR Bloomberg 1-3 Year U.S. Treasury Bond UCITS ETF SYBW
-67 0.05 2 57 -22
  SPDR Bloomberg 1-5 Year Gilt UCITS ETF SYB5
89 0.10 1 62 -4
  SPDR Bloomberg 10+ Year Euro Government Bond UCITS ETF SYBV
-7 0.01 5 40 10
  SPDR Bloomberg 10+ Year U.S. Corporate Bond UCITS ETF SYBN
-14 0.09 4 46 5
  SPDR Bloomberg 10+ Year U.S. Treasury Bond UCITS ETF SPPX
26 0.04 5 47 0
  SPDR Bloomberg 15+ Year Gilt UCITS ETF SYBL
-60 0.06 6 48 -8
  SPDR Bloomberg 3-5 Year Euro Government Bond UCITS ETF SYB4
19 0.00 1 48 11
  SPDR Bloomberg 3-7 Year U.S. Treasury Bond UCITS ETF SPP3
56 0.04 2 56 14
  SPDR Bloomberg 7-10 Year U.S. Treasury Bond UCITS ETF SPP7
-61 0.00 2 55 15
  SPDR Bloomberg China Treasury Bond UCITS ETF SPP8
65 0.00 2 65 13
  SPDR Bloomberg EM Inflation Linked Local Bond UCITS ETF SYBI
29 0.00 1 31 0
  SPDR Bloomberg Emerging Markets Local Bond UCITS ETF (Acc) SPFA
-18 0.05 2 54 13
  SPDR Bloomberg Emerging Markets Local Bond UCITS ETF (Dist) SYBM
-62 0.14 2 50 0
  SPDR Bloomberg Emerging Markets Local Bond USD Base CCY Hdg SPFD
46 0.01 3 48 29
  SPDR Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF SYBA
19 0.19 2 45 6
  SPDR Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond UCITS ETF SYBC
84 0.20 1 54 -31
  SPDR Bloomberg Euro Government Bond UCITS ETF SYBB
-49 0.27 2 43 -14
  SPDR Bloomberg Euro High Yield Bond UCITS ETF SYBJ
93 0.29 2 55 20
  SPDR Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond EUR Hdg UCITS ETF SPFE
-10 0.27 2 48 15

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