
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 SC Agrotech Ltd 526081 Jul 2, 2024 21.55 0.00   
 Scan Projects Ltd 531797 Jul 2, 2024 76.84 +1.99   
 Scan Steels Ltd 511672 Jul 2, 2024 65.08 +0.12   
 Scandent Imaging Ltd. 516110 Jul 2, 2024 7.68 -0.13   
 Scanpoint Geomatics Ltd 526544 Jul 2, 2024 8.49 +1.92   
 Schaeffler India Ltd. 505790 Jul 2, 2024 4 683.10 +1.64   
 Schneider Electric Infrastructure Ltd 534139 Jul 2, 2024 907.70 +0.40   
 Scintilla Commercial & Credit Ltd 538857 Jul 2, 2024 5.34 -0.19   
 Scooters India Ltd. 505141 Jul 2, 2024 78.80 0.00   
 SDC Techmedia Ltd. 535647 Jul 2, 2024 10.16 +9.96   
 Sea Gold Infrastructure Ltd 530361 Jul 2, 2024 71.77 +2.15   
 Sea TV Network Ltd 533268 Jul 2, 2024 8.82 +5.00   
 Seacoast Shipping Services Ltd. 542753 Jul 2, 2024 5.04 +1.20   
 Sealmatic India Ltd 543782 Jul 2, 2024 626.75 -1.34   
 Seamec Ltd. 526807 Jul 2, 2024 1 295.10 +0.28   
 Seasons Textiles Ltd. 514264 Jul 2, 2024 17.28 +0.35   
 SecMark Consultancy Ltd. 543234 Jul 2, 2024 99.50 -4.51   
 SecureKloud Technologies Ltd. 512161 Jul 2, 2024 39.63 +4.40   
 Sejal Glass Ltd 532993 Jul 2, 2024 358.25 -0.46   
 SEL Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 532886 Jul 2, 2024 60.28 -0.72   
 Selan Exploration Technology Ltd. 530075 Jul 2, 2024 712.85 -1.79   
 Sellwin Traders Ltd. 538875 Jul 2, 2024 23.90 -0.21   
 Senthil Infotek Ltd. 531980 Jul 2, 2024 21.20 +4.69   
 SEPC Ltd. 532945 Jul 2, 2024 19.16 +1.64   
 Sequent Scientific Ltd 512529 Jul 2, 2024 125.20 +2.54   
 Servoteach Industries Ltd. 531944 Jul 2, 2024 24.88 -4.97   
 Seshasayee Paper & Boards Ltd. 502450 Jul 2, 2024 360.70 +7.86   
 Setco Automotive Ltd. 505075 Jul 2, 2024 13.59 +4.94   
 Setubandhan Infrastructure Ltd. 533605 Jul 2, 2024 0.89 0.00   
 Seven Hill Industries Ltd 511760 Jul 2, 2024 1.21 +4.31   

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