
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 Nordisk Bergteknik NORBB Jul 1, 2024 17.80 -0.78   
 Norditek NOTEK Jul 1, 2024 10.00 -4.76   
 Nordnet AB (publ) SAVE Jul 1, 2024 224.00 +1.17   
 Nordrest NREST Jul 1, 2024 119.40 0.00   
 Norion Bank AB NORION Jul 1, 2024 43.95 +0.69   
 Norse Atlantic NORSEO Jul 1, 2024 10.46 0.00   
 Northbaze Group NBZ Jul 1, 2024 0.33 +10.67   
 Northern CapSek Ventures CAPS Jul 1, 2024 0.32 0.00   
 Northern CapSek Ventures PREF CAPSPREF Jul 1, 2024 0.69 0.00   
 Northgold NG Jul 1, 2024 2.90 -2.68   
 Norva24 NORVA Jul 1, 2024 29.60 +2.42   
 Nosa Plugs NOSA Jul 1, 2024 0.63 -7.35   
 Nosium NOSIUMB Jul 1, 2024 0.02 0.00   
 Note NOTE Jul 1, 2024 142.00 -1.66   
 Novotek B NTEKB Jul 1, 2024 67.40 +0.60   
 Novus Group NOVU Jul 1, 2024 3.26 -7.91   
 Nowonomics NOWO Jul 1, 2024 3.70 -5.61   
 NP3 Fastigheter NP3 Jul 1, 2024 257.00 0.00   
 NP3 Fastigheter Pref NP3PREF Jul 1, 2024 28.50 +0.35   
 Nyfosa NYF Jul 1, 2024 103.80 +1.07   
 Nykode Therapeutics NYKDO Jul 1, 2024 15.30 0.00   
 Obducat B OBDUB Jul 1, 2024 1.72 -0.86   
 Observit OBSE Jul 1, 2024 0.25 +3.15   
 ODI Pharma ODI Jul 1, 2024 7.10 -1.39   
 Odinwell ODIN Jul 1, 2024 0.55 -15.38   
 OEM International B OEMB Jul 1, 2024 118.20 +1.37   
 Ogunsen B OGUNB Jul 1, 2024 38.00 -1.81   
 OmniCar OMNI Jul 1, 2024 0.01 +156.00   
 OMX GES OMXS30 Ethical Price Index OMXS30ETHIC Jul 1, 2024 308.73 +0.63   
 OMX NORDIC 40 OMXN40 Jul 1, 2024 2 904.10 +0.30   

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