
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 Skipper Ltd SKIPPER Jul 5, 2024 385.05 -1.45   
 SKM Egg Products Export (India) Limited SKMEGGPROD Jul 5, 2024 257.45 -1.45   
 Smartlink Network Systems Limited SMARTLINK Jul 5, 2024 324.30 +4.99   
 SML Isuzu Limited SMLISUZU Jul 5, 2024 2 085.15 +1.20   
 SMS Lifesciences India Ltd. SMSLIFE Jul 5, 2024 863.40 +2.59   
 SMS Pharmaceuticals Limited SMSPHARMA Jul 5, 2024 260.03 +6.33   
 Snowman Logistics Limited SNOWMAN Jul 5, 2024 78.02 -0.94   
 Sobha Limited SOBHA Jul 5, 2024 2 021.20 -0.87   
 Solar Industries India Limited SOLARINDS Jul 5, 2024 12 161.00 -0.08   
 Solara Active Pharma Sciences Ltd. SOLARA Jul 5, 2024 580.30 +3.63   
 Som Distilleries & Breweries Limited SDBL Jul 5, 2024 118.46 +0.31   
 Soma Textiles & Industries Limited SOMATEX Jul 5, 2024 34.32 +3.06   
 Somany Ceramics Limited SOMANYCERA Jul 5, 2024 806.25 -1.29   
 Somi Conveyor Beltings Ltd SOMICONVEY Jul 5, 2024 173.06 -1.13   
 Sonata Software Limited SONATSOFTW Jul 5, 2024 636.25 -1.75   
 Southern Petrochemicals Industries Corporation Limited SPIC Jul 5, 2024 85.16 +0.82   
 Speciality Restaurants Limited SPECIALITY Jul 5, 2024 172.10 -0.03   
 SPL Industries Limited SPLIL Jul 5, 2024 62.20 +0.65   
 SPML Infra Limited SPMLINFRA Jul 5, 2024 203.00 +5.00   
 Sree Rayalaseema Hi-Strength Hypo Limited SRHHYPOLTD Jul 5, 2024 573.70 +2.29   
 Sreeleathers Limited SREEL Jul 5, 2024 300.35 +2.19   
 SRF Limited SRF Jul 5, 2024 2 400.75 +0.44   
 Sri Havisha Hospitality & Infrastructure Ltd. HAVISHA Jul 5, 2024 2.57 +1.98   
 Standard Industries Limited SIL Jul 5, 2024 29.82 +11.81   
 Star Cement Limited STARCEMENT Jul 5, 2024 210.44 -0.04   
 Star Paper Mills Limited STARPAPER Jul 5, 2024 264.65 -0.75   
 State Bank of India SBIN Jul 5, 2024 859.75 +2.44   
 Steel Authority of India Limited SAIL Jul 5, 2024 155.61 +3.02   
 Steel Exchange India Ltd. STEELXIND Jul 5, 2024 14.08 -0.64   
 Steel Strips Wheels Limited SSWL Jul 5, 2024 242.72 +3.23   

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