
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 Authum Investment & Infrastucture Ltd. 539177 Jul 2, 2024 1 154.70 +1.16   
 Auto Pins (India) Ltd. 531994 Jul 2, 2024 192.50 0.00   
 Autoline Industries Ltd. 532797 Jul 2, 2024 132.10 -1.12   
 Automobile Corporation of Goa Ltd. 505036 Jul 2, 2024 2 318.65 -0.79   
 Automotive Axles Ltd. 505010 Jul 2, 2024 2 114.40 +4.37   
 Automotive Stampings & Assemblies Ltd. 520119 Jul 2, 2024 1 027.00 +0.27   
 Avadh Sugar & Energy Ltd. 540649 Jul 2, 2024 630.55 +0.75   
 Available Finance Ltd. 531310 Jul 2, 2024 274.00 +0.74   
 Avance Technologies Ltd. 512149 Jul 2, 2024 0.96 -4.95   
 Avantel Ltd 532406 Jul 2, 2024 184.50 -0.16   
 Avanti Feeds Ltd. 512573 Jul 2, 2024 610.20 -1.49   
 Avenue Supermarts Ltd 540376 Jul 2, 2024 4 778.00 +0.92   
 AVI Polymers Ltd. 539288 Jul 2, 2024 12.38 +0.57   
 AVI Products India Ltd. 523896 Jul 2, 2024 22.51 -5.78   
 Aviva Industries Ltd. 512109 Jul 2, 2024 23.50 0.00   
 Avonmore Capital & Management Services Ltd 511589 Jul 2, 2024 12.42 -4.97   
 AVT Natural Products Ltd. 519105 Jul 2, 2024 89.40 +3.11   
 Axel Polymers Ltd. 513642 Jul 2, 2024 66.24 -3.86   
 Axis Bank Ltd 532215 Jul 2, 2024 1 253.75 -0.63   
 AXISCADES Technologies Ltd. 532395 Jul 2, 2024 578.90 -2.77   
 Axita Cotton Ltd. 542285 Jul 2, 2024 21.63 -0.05   
 Axtel Industries Ltd. 523850 Jul 2, 2024 632.40 +3.18   
 AYM Syntex Ltd. 508933 Jul 2, 2024 108.30 -1.77   
 B&A Ltd. 508136 Jul 2, 2024 622.85 -0.96   
 B&A Packaging India Ltd. 523186 Jul 2, 2024 264.00 -2.62   
 B.A.G. Films & Media Ltd. 532507 Jul 2, 2024 9.04 +0.44   
 B.C. Power Controls Ltd 537766 Jul 2, 2024 4.78 +0.63   
 B.L. Kashyap & Sons Ltd. 532719 Jul 2, 2024 91.65 -0.19   
 B.N. Rathi Securities Ltd. 523019 Jul 2, 2024 128.35 +2.80   
 B.P. Capital Ltd. 536965 Jul 2, 2024 5.51 0.00   

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