Compare stocks - english version

Compare the price development of a stock with 26,000 other stocks, commodities and indices. Pick from a top list with the most relevant peers. A possible strategy could be to buy stocks that are trailing peers or to buy stocks that show relative strength. Free trial for all subscribers until 30 September.

Click the Compare button above the chart in order to compare the price development of the current stock to that of other stocks. You will see how the stocks have developed relative to each other and which stock has performed better. The system automatically suggests relevant stocks to compare with, but you can choose from all companies that Investtech analyses. For example you can compare TGS with PGS and Polarcus, or you can compare with the USA listed Transocean or WTI. Your selections are saved in the system. See example and description of the functionality below.

Relative price development

The chart shows the price development of different companies relative to each other. The axis shows return in percent from the beginning of the chart.

Top list of companies – Most used

For each company there is a list of companies, indices and commodities that are reasonable to compare with. The “Most used” list gives quick access to companies in the same sector.

Choose from 26,000 stocks, indices and commodities - Search

You can compare with all securities Investtech analyses. Today this is 26,000 stocks, indices and commodities. Search by entering ticker or company name.

Your selection is saved – My stocks

The system remembers which stocks you compare with each other. When you later access these stocks, you will automatically get the chart for the stocks you compared with last time. Stocks you have selected can be switched on and off or deleted from the Compare chart with a single click.

Short, medium and long term

You can compare price development for short, medium and long term. Click the Compare button and then the buttons for the time horizons.


The Compare function is available for Professional and Institutional subscribers. In the introductory phase (until September 30th), Compare will be available also on the Investor and Trader levels.

Investeringsaanbevelingen worden gedaan door AS ("Investtech"). Investtech garandeert geen volledigheid of juistheid van de analyses. Eventuele fouten in de aanbevelingen, koop- en verkoopsignalen en mogelijke negatieve gevolgen hiervan zijn geheel het risico van de belegger. Investtech neemt geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid voor verlies, direct of indirect, als gevolg van het gebruik van Investtechs analyses. Meer informatie omtrent Investtechs analyses kunt u vinden op disclaimer.

Investeringsaanbevelingen worden gedaan door AS ("Investtech"). Investtech garandeert geen volledigheid of juistheid van de analyses. Eventuele fouten in de aanbevelingen, koop- en verkoopsignalen en mogelijke negatieve gevolgen hiervan zijn geheel het risico van de belegger. Investtech neemt geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid voor verlies, direct of indirect, als gevolg van het gebruik van Investtechs analyses. Meer informatie omtrent Investtechs analyses kunt u vinden op disclaimer.




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