For each stock and for each time perspective, a chart is produced together with it's associated analysis. By using traditional theory for technical analysis, see
Technical Analysis - For reduced risks and increased returns,
the computers interpret what they find in the chart and then create both the analyses, text and the correct recommendation, entirely automatically. This leaves no room for subjective interpretation, which is a common problem with traditional technical analysis, where the analysts draw the trend, support and resistance lines, and interprets this.
The recommendations from the automatic analyses are given as Buy, Weak Buy, Wait/Watch, Weak Sell and Sell. Some places, however, the following are used:
Technical score
The analyses are produced and assessed following traditional technical analysis theory. Investtech’s research indicates that this theory largely agrees with what we observe in the market. However, the research also shows that certain factors statistically have not given the price development the theory suggests. We have made this observation for the Nordic markets for breaks against trend direction in long term trend channels and overbought/oversold RSI. For the Norwegian and Swedish markets, this is also the case for short term reversing price patterns, and for Sweden also for medium long term patterns. See Research for details.
The analyses are produced and published as soon as possible after the closing of the exchange, and at the latest before exchange's opening the following day.
Time Perspectives For more information about Investtech and our analyses, please contact us via e-mail or telephone 21 555 888.
Investtech's automatic analyses are based upon advanced methods within pattern recognition, statistics and mathematics, developed since 1993. Emphasis is especially placed upon trends, support and resistance, stock price formations and volume.
Investtech has three time perspectives for our analysis charts and recommendations.
Investtech also provides Candlestick charts covering 21 days. This, combined with short and medium term analysis charts, we consider best suited for investments with 0-10 days perspective.
Time Perspective
Investment Perspective
Short Term
5 months
1-6 weeks
Medium Term
18 months
1-6 months
Long Term
6 years
1-6 Quarters
Investeringsanbefalingen(e) er utarbeidet av AS ("Investtech"). Investtech garanterer ikke fullstendigheten eller riktigheten av analysen. Eventuell eksponering i henhold til rådene / signalene som fremkommer i analysene står fullt og helt for investors regning og risiko. Investtech er ikke ansvarlig for noe tap, verken direkte eller indirekte, som oppstår som en følge av bruk av Investtechs analyser. Opplysninger om eventuelle interessekonflikter vil alltid fremgå av investeringsanbefalingen. Ytterligere informasjon om Investtechs analyser finnes på informasjonssiden.
Investeringsanbefalingen(e) er utarbeidet av AS ("Investtech"). Investtech garanterer ikke fullstendigheten eller riktigheten av analysen. Eventuell eksponering i henhold til rådene / signalene som fremkommer i analysene står fullt og helt for investors regning og risiko. Investtech er ikke ansvarlig for noe tap, verken direkte eller indirekte, som oppstår som en følge av bruk av Investtechs analyser. Opplysninger om eventuelle interessekonflikter vil alltid fremgå av investeringsanbefalingen. Ytterligere informasjon om Investtechs analyser finnes på informasjonssiden.