
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 PFA Invest Balance A Akkumulerende PFIBAAK Jul 2, 2024 125.00 0.00   
 PFA Invest Balance AA PFIBA Jul 2, 2024 94.60 0.00   
 PFA Invest Balance B PFIBAB Jul 2, 2024 142.60 0.00   
 PFA Invest Balance C PFIBAC Jul 2, 2024 130.80 0.00   
 PFA Invest Danske Aktier PFIDKA Jul 2, 2024 169.15 0.00   
 PFA Invest Globale Aktier PFIGLA Jul 2, 2024 191.85 0.00   
 PFA Invest Kreditobligationer PFIKRB Jul 2, 2024 100.00 0.00   
 PFA Invest Mellemlange Obligationer PFIIMO Jul 2, 2024 91.44 0.00   
 PortfolioMan Lundgr Inv-China kl n EUR PMILGICHIEUR Jul 2, 2024 112.85 0.00   
 Portfolioman Petersen&Partners SustWo KL PMIPPSW Jul 2, 2024 128.75 0.00   
 PortfolioMan PP Cap TactAssAlloc kl nEUR PMICTAAKLNEUR Jul 2, 2024 106.75 0.00   
 PortfolioManager ANNOX Kvant Glob Akt KL PMIKGA Jul 2, 2024 150.00 +0.17   
 PortfolioManager PP Cap Basis kl n EUR PMIPCBAKLNEUR Jul 2, 2024 113.55 0.00   
 PortfolioManager PP CapStockPick kl PMIPCSPKLNO Jul 2, 2024 168.35 0.00   
 PortfolioManager ØU Invest Balance kl n PMIOUIB Jul 2, 2024 102.00 -0.10   
 PortfolioManager, Snowball Invest, kl n PMISBIKLN Jul 2, 2024 108.00 0.00   
 SDG Invest Globale Bæredygtige Akt akk SDKGBA Jul 2, 2024 195.05 -0.48   
 SEB Invest Mellemlange Obligationer SEIMOBL Jul 2, 2024 83.82 0.00   
 SEBin AKL US HY B Sh Durat (SKY Harb) P SEISHP Jul 2, 2024 94.62 0.00   
 SEBinv AKL SEB Japan Equities SRI P SEIJASP Jul 2, 2024 110.60 0.00   
 SEBinvest AKL Balance Defensiv P SEIBDP Jul 2, 2024 155.25 0.00   
 SEBinvest AKL Balance Stabil P SEIBSP Jul 2, 2024 191.50 0.00   
 SEBinvest AKL Balance Vækst P SEIBVP Jul 2, 2024 221.40 0.00   
 SEBinvest AKL Danske Aktier Akk P SEIDAAP Jul 2, 2024 401.50 +0.05   
 SEBinvest AKL Danske Aktier P SEIDKAP Jul 2, 2024 157.75 -0.57   
 SEBinvest AKL Europa Small Cap P SEIESCP Jul 2, 2024 449.10 -0.66   
 SEBinvest AKL Europe Shares SRI P SEIEUASP Jul 2, 2024 202.50 -0.59   
 SEBinvest AKL Kreditobligationer (EUR) P SEIKSP Jul 2, 2024 95.90 0.00   
 SEBinvest AKL Nordamerika Aktier SRI I SEINAASRII Jul 2, 2024 81.26 0.00   
 SEBinvest AKL Nordiske Aktier P SEINAKP Jul 2, 2024 104.60 0.00   

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