
Strategies in volatile markets (17 March 2022)
Investtech's Head of Research and Analysis Geir Linløkken and Fund Manager Mads Grønstad recommend strategies in today's market. In times of great uncertainty, stock markets fluctuate more than usual. High volatility offers greater opportunities, but also higher risk.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2022, week 11 (17 March 2022)
Thursday March 17th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, among them Finnish Orion B, which has broken upwards from a horizontal trend. The list is suitable for investors with an investment horizon of 1-6 months.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2022, week 10 (10 March 2022)
Thursday March 10th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, four Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2022, week 8 (24 February 2022)
Thursday February 24th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, five Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2022, week 7 (17 February 2022)
Thursday February 17th there are three new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, four Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2022, week 6 (10 February 2022)
Thursday February 10th there are two new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, five Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2022, week 5 (3 February 2022)
Thursday February 3rd there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, four Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2022, week 4 (27 January 2022)
Thursday January 27th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, four Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2022, week 3 (20 January 2022)
Thursday January 20th there are two new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of one Swedish, three Norwegian, five Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2022, week 2 (13 January 2022)
Thursday January 13th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of two Swedish, two Norwegian, five Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Tuloksia malliosakesalkut neljäs vuosineljännes 2021 (7. tammikuuta 2022)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat neljäntenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 3,8 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. 5 Investtechin 6:sta malliosakesalkusta voitti viiteindeksin vuosineljänneksen aikana.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2022, week 1 (6 January 2022)
Thursday January 6th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, four Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 50 (16 December 2021)
Thursday December 16th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 49 (9 December 2021)
Thursday December 9th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 48 (2 December 2021)
Thursday December 2nd there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of eight Swedish, no Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 47 (25 November 2021)
Thursday November 25th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, two Norwegian, no Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 46 (18 November 2021)
Thursday November 18th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 45 (11 November 2021)
Thursday November 11th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of eight Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 44 (4 November 2021)
Thursday November 4th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, one Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 43 (28 October 2021)
Thursday October 28th there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, four Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 41 (14 October 2021)
Thursday October 14th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 40 (7 October 2021)
Thursday October 7th there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of eight Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Tuloksia malliosakesalkut kolmas vuosineljännes 2021 (5. lokakuuta 2021)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut antoivat kolmantena vuosineljänneksenä keskimääräisesti samantasoisen tuoton kuin viiteindeksit. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 0,9 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 39 (30 September 2021)
Thursday September 30th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, four Norwegian, no Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 38 (23 September 2021)
Thursday September 23rd there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 37 (16 September 2021)
Thursday September 16th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 36 (9 September 2021)
Thursday September 9th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The list is suitable for investors with an investment horizon of 1-6 months.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 35 (2 September 2021)
Thursday September 2nd there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, two Norwegian, four Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 34 (26 August 2021)
Thursday August 26th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

New: Factor Diagram (25 August 2021)
Investtech’s new Factor Diagram combines all a stock's characteristics in one model and is a link beteween charts and other key conditions. The diagram is a visualisation of the stock’s most important qualities.
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Investtech Research: Stocks with the most upside fail to deliver (16 August 2021)
According to classical financial theory, highly volatile stocks should give statistical excess return. Our new research results show that the market has completely contradicted classical financial theory.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 32 (12 August 2021)
Thursday August 12th there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, no Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 31 (5 August 2021)
Thursday August 5th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, no Norwegian, no Danish and three Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Tuloksia malliosakesalkut toinen vuosineljännes 2021 (9. heinäkuuta 2021)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat toisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 3,1 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Erityisesti salkut Ruotsissa ja Saksassa tekivät hyvän tuloksen, kun taas Tanskan salkku menestyi huonosti.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 27 (8 July 2021)
Thursday July 8th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, among them Norwegian stock Gjensidige. The list is suitable for investors with an investment horizon of 1-6 months.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 26 (1 July 2021)
Thursday July 1st there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, no Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 25 (24 June 2021)
Thursday June 24th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, four Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 24 (17 June 2021)
Thursday June 17th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, among them Danish stock Netcompany. The list is suitable for investors with an investment horizon of 1-6 months.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 23 (10 June 2021)
Thursday June 10th there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, among them Finnish stock Harvia. The list is suitable for investors with an investment horizon of 1-6 months.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 22 (3 June 2021)
Thursday June 3rd there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, four Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 21 (27 May 2021)
Thursday May 27th there are two Finnish stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 20 (20 May 2021)
Thursday May 20th there are three Finnish stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.   Read more!      

Powerful sell signal in Bitcoin (18 May 2021)
The cryptocurrency increased sixfold from September last year to April this year. Now the mood has changed. After a few weeks of more mixed news, investors this weekend pushed to get out of Bitcoin.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 18 (6 May 2021)
Thursday May 6th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 17 (29 April 2021)
Thursday April 29th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 16 (22 April 2021)
Thursday April 22nd there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, two Norwegian, no Danish and one Finnish stock.   Read more!      

Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 15 (15 April 2021)
Thursday April 15th there are ten new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of nine Swedish, one Norwegian, no Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut ensimmäinen vuosineljännes 2021 (13. huhtikuuta 2021)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat ensimmäisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 0,5 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 11,9 prosenttipisteellä.
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Global stocks: Negative recommendation for two American favourites (26 March 2021)
Tesla and GameStop are trading favourites among many small investors. Price movements have caused major changes in the technical charts in the past few weeks. According to Investtech’s analyses, now is the time to sell.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 12 (25 March 2021)
Thursday March 25th there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 10 (11 March 2021)
Thursday March 11th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 9 (4 March 2021)
Thursday March 4th there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of eight Swedish, one Norwegian, no Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 8 (25 February 2021)
Thursday February 25th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, one Norwegian, no Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 7 (18 February 2021)
Thursday February 18th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 6 (11 February 2021)
Thursday February 11th there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 5 (4 February 2021)
Thursday February 4th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, two Norwegian, no Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 4 (28 January 2021)
Thursday January 28th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, two Norwegian, no Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 3 (21 January 2021)
Thursday January 21st there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2021, week 2 (14 January 2021)
Thursday January 14th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut neljäs vuosineljännes 2020 (8. tammikuuta 2021)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat neljäntenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 1,2 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 5,7 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2020, week 51 (17 December 2020)
Thursday December 17th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, three Norwegian, no Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2020, week 50 (10 December 2020)
Thursday December 10th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, three Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2020, week 49 (26 November 2020)
Thursday November 26th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2020, week 47 (19 November 2020)
Thursday November 19th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, three Norwegian, no Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2020, week 46 (12 November 2020)
Thursday November 12th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2020, week 45 (5 November 2020)
Thursday November 5th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, no Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2020, week 42 (15 October 2020)
Thursday October 15th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut kolmas vuosineljännes 2020 (5. lokakuuta 2020)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat kolmantena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 8,2 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 10,6 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2020, week 40 (1 October 2020)
Thursday October 1st there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - 2020, week 39 (24 September 2020)
Thursday September 24th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 38 (17 September 2020)
Thursday September 17th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia; YIT Corporation. The list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Trendisignaalit: New indicator (11 September 2020)
We have added a new indicator to Trendisignaalit: signals from horizontal trends. A new research report shows that a break upwards from a horizontal trend is a buy signal.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 36 (3 September 2020)
Thursday September 3rd there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 35 (27 August 2020)
Thursday August 27th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 34 (20 August 2020)
Thursday August 20th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, four Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 33 (13 August 2020)
Thursday August 13th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 32 (6 August 2020)
Thursday August 6th there are two Finnish stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia; among them Tokmanni Group. The list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 28 (9 July 2020)
Thursday July 9th there are three new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia; among them Swedish stock PowerCell. The list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut toinen vuosineljännes 2020 (6. heinäkuuta 2020)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut antoivat toisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimääräisesti samantasoisen tuoton kuin viiteindeksit. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 5,9 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 27 (2 July 2020)
Thursday July 2nd there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 25 (18 June 2020)
Thursday June 18th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, four Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 23 (4 June 2020)
Thursday June 4th there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 22 (28 May 2020)
Thursday May 28th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 20 (14 May 2020)
Thursday May 14th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 19 (7 May 2020)
Thursday May 7th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 18 (30 April 2020)
Thursday April 30th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 17 (23 April 2020)
Thursday April 23rd there are three new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 16 (16 April 2020)
Thursday April 16th there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 14 (2 April 2020)
Thursday April 2nd there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 13 (19 March 2020)
Thursday March 26th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut ensimmäinen vuosineljännes 2020 (2. huhtikuuta 2020)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut antoivat ensimmäisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimääräisesti samantasoisen tuoton kuin viiteindeksit. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 3,4 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 12 (19 March 2020)
Thursday March 19th there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. One of them is Swedish stock Bactiguard Holding. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Investtech Research: Negative excess return after break downwards from falling trend (3 March 2020)
New research from Investtech shows that stocks breaking downwards from medium term falling trends have fallen 2.7 per cent in the following three months. These results largely confirm technical analysis theory, which states that breaks downwards from falling trends increase the fall rate.
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Investtech Research: Excess return after break upwards from rising trend (3 March 2020)
New research from Investtech shows that stocks breaking upwards from medium term rising trends on average have risen 5.9 per cent in three months. The research results largely confirm technical analysis theory, which states that breaks upwards from rising trends give greater rates of increase.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 9 (27 February 2020)
Thursday February 27th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia: Kesko B. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 8 (20 February 2020)
Thursday February 20 there are two Finnish stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Investtech Research: Negative excess return from stocks in falling trend (14 February 2020)
"Trend" is a key concept in technical analysis. Technical analysis theory states that stocks in falling trends will continue to fall within the trend, and new research results from Investtech largely confirm this theory.
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Investtech Research: Excess return from stocks in rising trends (14 February 2020)
"Trend" is a key concept in technical analysis. Technical analysis theory states that stocks in rising trends will continue to rise within the trend, and new research results from Investtech largely confirm this theory.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 7 (13 February 2020)
Thursday February 13 there are two Finnish stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 5 (30 January 2020)
Thursday January 30th there are two Finnish stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Investtech Research: Price formations - Overview (27 January 2020)
We have studied price movements that have followed buy and sell signals from formations in Investtech's price charts. Many of the results confirm the established theory, but some do not.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 4 (23 January 2020)
Thursday January 23rd there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 3 (16 January 2020)
Thursday January 16th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia: YIT Corporation. The Top 10 list is suitable for investors with an investment perspective of 1-6 months.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 2 (9 January 2020)
Thursday January 9th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 1 (2 January 2020)
Thursday January 2nd there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut neljäs vuosineljännes 2019 (3. tammikuuta 2020)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat neljäntenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 3,1 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 8,8 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 51 (19 December 2019)
Thursday December 19th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. Finnish stock YIT Corporation is top of the list this week.
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Global stocks: Super stocks for the new year (18 December 2019)
Despite the current big political issues in both the US and France, their stock indices are hitting new highs. Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at four American and three French stocks.
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Investtech Research: Sell signals from double top formations have little signal power (16 December 2019)
New research results from Investtech indicate that sell signals from double top formations have little signal power and can be ignored in stock analyses.
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Investtech Research: Buy signals from short term double bottom formations contradict established technical analysis theory (16 December 2019)
New research results from Investtech show that buy signals from short term double bottom formations statistically contradict established technical analysis theory, and have in fact been good sell signals. Signals from long term double bottom formations have, in line with the theory, been good buy signals.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 50 (12 December 2019)
Thursday December 12th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Two buy candidates from Top 50 list of Nasdaq 100 (11 December 2019)
We have analysed two stocks from the Top 50 list of Nasdaq 100. The stocks making it to the Top 50 list are ones that have scored highest on technical parameters.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 49 (5 December 2019)
Thursday December 5th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Two buy and one sell (4 December 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff returns to the US markets and writes about three stocks taken from the Stock selection tool that Investtech provides: Merck & Co Inc, Incyte Corp. and IBM.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 48 (28 November 2019)
Thursday November 28th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Heavyweights leading index to new highs (27 November 2019)
Not only the American markets are creating history by making new highs. We look at three leading stocks that are major components of the Nifty 50 index participating in the feast.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 47 (21 November 2019)
Thursday November 21st there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Breakout in big stocks both in the medium and long term (20 November 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at three American stocks that have given breakout from rectangle formations in both the medium and the long term charts.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 46 (14 November 2019)
The top stock in Top 10 Scandinavia this week is Outotec, which is one of two Finnish stocks in this week's Top 10 Scandinavia.
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Global stocks: Good opportunities in Tesla and Baidu stocks (13 November 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff has a closer look at Tesla and the Chinese multinational technology company Baidu, listed on the NASDAQ.
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Investtech Research: Variable predictive power in sell signals from head and shoulders formations (12 November 2019)
New research results from Investtech show that sell signals from head and shoulders formations appear negligible in the short term, but give some negative excess return in the long term. In the medium term, they gave an annualised negative excess return of 9.8 percentage points in the period 1996-2018.
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Investtech Research: Excess return following buy signals from inverse head and shoulders formations (12 November 2019)
New research results from Investtech show that annualised excess return following buy signals from inverse head and shoulders formations in the medium term was 13.7 percentage points in the period 1996-2018.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 45 (7 November 2019)
The Top 10 Scandinavia list will now be published on Thursdays. Today there are two Finnish stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia.
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Global stocks: One buy and one sell (6 November 2019)
It seems that the global markets are moving in harmony as most of the world indices are making new highs or at least multi-year highs. Today we look at the AEX-index and two Dutch stocks.
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Global stocks: The big techs - Google, Apple and Microsoft (30 October 2019)
Markets are rejoicing as the S&P 500 index reaches its all time high. The stock market is a mirror of the economy as a whole and we look at the big techs - Google, Apple and Microsoft.
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Investtech Research: Support and Resistance - Summary (29 October 2019)
Support and resistance are among the most important elements of technical analysis. In some areas our new research findings are in accordance with the theory, while other findings indicate that the theory is weak or even wrong.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 43 (25 October 2019)
Friday October 25th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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New research: Break upwards through resistance is a buy signal (24 October 2019)
Stocks that have broken upwards through resistance have continued to rise and outperformed benchmark. These signals may be valuable input in a decision of whether to buy the stock.
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Global stocks: Buy signal, breakout from price formations (23 October 2019)
The three stocks that we have selected today are on the basis of breakout from price formations like rectangle, double bottom and head-and-shoulders formations.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 42 (18 October 2019)
Friday October 18th there are ten new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, four Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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New research: Strong excess return following buy signals from rectangle formations (17 October 2019)
New research results from Investtech show that stocks with buy signals from rectangle formations in the Nordic markets statistically give strong excess return. Buy signals from rectangle formations identified in Investtech’s short term price charts in the Nordic markets have given an annualised excess return of 16.7 percentage points in the period 1996-2018.
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Global stocks: Big brands look promising (16 October 2019)
Four interesting multinational stocks for our readers today; two sports brands that are trading at record high levels and two car brands that have positively broken out of price formations.
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New research into Support and Resistance: Research results cause doubt about buy signals (10 October 2019)
New research results from Investtech show that stocks which have reacted downwards and are testing support have developed in line with benchmark in the following period. Such signals give little information about future price development and can be dropped from a technical analysis of a stock. These results cause doubt about an important element of technical analysis theory.
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Global stocks: Two buy and two sell from Top 50 candidates (9 October 2019)
We are taking a detour from US stocks and focusing on British stocks today, presenting analyses for what can prove themselves to be good opportunities in the current market.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut kolmas vuosineljännes 2019 (1. lokakuuta 2019)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat kolmantena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 2,0 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomen salkku teki kuitenkin keskimääräistä paremman tuloksen ja voitti indeksin 7,7 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 39 (27 September 2019)
Friday September 27th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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New research into Support and Resistance: Buy signal when stock is above support and lacks resistance (26 September 2019)
Stocks that are far above support and lack resistance have risen a great deal in the following period. Despite these being considered theoretically neutral situations, our research results show that statistically they are very good buy signals.
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Global stocks: Amazon and AT&T(Inc.), where are they heading? (25 September 2019)
The US markets, along with many other global markets, showed a negative development on Tuesday. S&P 500 ended the day at 2967 points, which is a decline of 0.84 per cent.
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Changes to Support and Resistance algorithms (20 September 2019)
Investtech’s research into Support and Resistance conducted in the autumn of 2019 has revealed important findings. The research results are consistent with technical analysis theory in some cases, while in others the results indicate that the theory is weak or even wrong. We have found it appropriate to change the algorithms used in Investtech’s automatic technical analyses.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 38 (20 September 2019)
Friday September 20th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of eight Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: Buy or Sell? Five Indian stocks (18 September 2019)
The global markets are showing no clear signs that they are moving in tandem with one another. Some markets are performing very well, while others are struggling to hold a solid ground.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 37 (13 September 2019)
Friday September 13th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of eight Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: Buy signal from price formations for two US stocks (11 September 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff shares long term charts of two US listed stocks that have given breakouts from price formations and what return Investtech's research indicates from these formations.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 36 (6 September 2019)
Friday September 6th there are two Finnish stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Three positive candidates from Model Portfolio Germany (4 September 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at three out of seven stocks that are currently in our Model Portfolio for Germany. We offer this special feature for six leading European markets.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 35 (30 August 2019)
Friday August 30th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Three leading software and digital companies across the globe (28 August 2019)
Most of the big Indian IT companies are trading either close to their all-time-highs or within eight per cent range from the top. Analyst Kiran Shroff looks for a similar pattern elsewhere.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 34 (23 August 2019)
Friday August 23 there are ten new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Three top brand names across different markets (21 August 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff writes about stocks from three different markets. These are world famous brand names that are among the top players in their individual fields.
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Global stocks: US stocks - three strong candidates (14 August 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff writes about three solid stocks that are listed on S&P 500 and show strength in a rising trend or breakout from a price formation.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 32 (9 August 2019)
Friday August 9 there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Big US stocks - two buy and one sell (7 August 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff finds that the Hausse indices match well with the development of charts and suggest caution for short term investors while still holding bullish sentiment in the long term.
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Global stocks: Two buy candidates, US stocks (24 July 2019)
S&P 500 (SP500) developed positively on Tuesday and gained 0.68 per cent to a close of 3005 points. S&P 500 is in a rising trend channel in the short, medium and long term. Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at two stocks that are listed on the S&P 500.
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Global stocks: Bitcoin and Gold (10 July 2019)
After lot of surfing through different markets, analyst Kiran Shroff decided to review our analysis on Bitcoin and Gold. Please note that there is no interdependence or proven correlation between these two instruments.
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Global stocks: Positive candidates, two German and two Danish stocks (3 July 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff finds four positive candidates in two European markets this week.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut toinen vuosineljännes 2019 (3. heinäkuuta 2019)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut antoivat toisena vuosineljänneksenä keskimääräisesti samantasoisen tuoton kuin viiteindeksit. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 0,4 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 25 (21 June 2019)
Friday June 21 there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Investtech Research: Trend signals better than theory suggests (20 June 2019)
A study of 101,763 cases of stocks in rising trend channels in the Nordic markets in the period 1996 to 2018 shows that stocks near the trend channel ceiling on average have continued a strong rise, while stocks near the trend channel floor developed weakly. In other words, the research results are almost the opposite of what the theory posits.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 24 (14 June 2019)
Friday June 14 there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Three positive opportunities, consumer defensives and cyclical stocks (12 June 2019)
Consumer Defensive are stocks that deal with staples. As the name suggests, they provide a cushion against market volatility, pay good periodic dividends, and are less susceptible to market pullbacks. In times where the economic policies and trade decisions of the Trump administration scare the markets, not only locally but internationally, keeping consumer defensive stocks in your basket can be a good option as they provide diversification to the portfolio.
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Global stocks: FAANG stocks, what to expect in the near future (5 June 2019)
The big tech giants were sent down on Monday when the flare of planned investigations by Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission set out. In Tuesday's trade most of them managed to recover some of the losses from Monday as the broader market went up by more than two percent and closed higher.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 21 (24 May 2019)
Friday May 24th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, four Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: Two buy and one sell (22 May 2019)
Tesla is at its lowest since January 2017. Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at Tesla and two other interesting stocks from different Exchanges.
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Global stocks: BITCOIN in a rush (13 May 2019)
Bitcoin is in a rush. Since our last published analysis on April 3 and 'til the time we write this analysis on May 13 at 2030 hrs CET, the cryptocurrency has risen from 4958 to 7785 dollars, which is up by 57 per cent.
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Research results India - Volume balance is a reliable indicator (2 May 2019)
A research report from Investtech based on 12 years of data from the National Stock Exchange in India shows that stocks with high volume balance have continued to rise and stocks with low volume balance have given significant negative excess return compared to benchmark.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 17 (26 April 2019)
Friday April 26th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: Three buy opportunities for short to medium term (24 April 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at three interesting American stocks that have good potential in the near term future.
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Research results India - signals from rectangle formations (23 April 2019)
A new research report from Investtech based on 12 years of data from the National Stock Exchange in India shows that stocks with buy signal from rectangle formations on average have risen by 4.9 per cent after three months, while stocks with sell signal from rectangle formations have fallen 0.5 per cent.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 15 (12 April March 2019)
Friday April 12th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Two buy and one sell - Facebook gives a buy signal (10 April 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at three US stocks of which two are positive and one is negative: Facebook, eBay and General Electric.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 14 (5 April March 2019)
Friday April 5th there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, three Norwegian, no Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: Bitcoin wakes up from sleep, gains over 20 per cent in two days (3 April 2019)
We look at the medium term charts of Bitcoin, Brent Crude Nymex and Gold futures and how they have behaved in the recent past - and are likely to behave in the near future.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut ensimmäinen vuosineljännes 2019 (2. huhtikuuta 2019)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut antoivat ensimmäisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimääräisesti samantasoisen tuoton kuin viiteindeksit. Suomen salkku teki kuitenkin keskimääräistä paremman tuloksen ja voitti indeksin 8,8 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 13 (29 March 2019)
Friday March 29th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: Big US investment and financial services stocks and their current health (27 March 2019)
We see that there is mixed behaviour among banking and financial services, investment and asset management stocks. Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at Visa, PayPal, Morgan Stanley and Citigroup.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 12 (22 March 2019)
Friday March 22nd there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Find good investment ideas with the strategy behind Investtech’s Model Portfolios (20 March 2019)
Investtech has been publishing technical analysis for over 21 years now and over the years has created a system that works on its own. We have created algorithms that go through every stock that we publish analysis for and automatically plots trend channels, volume balance, price formations, support and resistance and the momentum indicator RSI on the price chart.
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New research report: Stocks in rising trends (18 March 2019)
A new research report from Investtech based on 23 years of data from the Oslo Stock Exchange in Norway and 16 years of data from Sweden, Denmark and Finland shows that stocks with buy signal from rising trend on average have risen by 4.9 % in three months, while stocks with sell signal from falling trend have risen by 0.6 %
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 11 (15 March 2019)
Friday March 15th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Four buys based on our Top 50 list (14 March 2019)
In this analysis we explain positioning of the stock price with respect to trend channel and other parameters for two American and two Danish stocks.
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Global stocks: Two buy and one sell among US consumer packaged goods (6 March 2019)
In the consumer packaged goods (CPG) space, we choose to write about three well known brands that have been in the market for a very long time now and are tough competitors, or you can say the one's loss is the other's gain.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 9 (1 March 2019)
Friday March 1st there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Microsoft takes over Apple as largest share in Oil Fund (27 February 2019)
The Government Pension Fund Global of Norway, also known as the Oil Fund, came out with its numbers today. It is the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 8 (22 February 2019)
Friday February 22nd there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Going international today with three European stocks (20 February 2019)
Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at three European stocks today, from Sweden, Danmark and the Netherlands.
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New research results: RSI is a good momentum indicator (20 February 2019)
A research report from Investtech based on 23 years of data from the Nordic stock exchanges shows that stocks with high RSI, above the critical 70 level, have continued to rise and given an annualized excess return of 9.1 percentage points.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 7 (15 February 2019)
Friday February 15th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Trading opportunities, two buy and a potential sell (13 February 2019)
We ran through the US stocks using our Stock selection tool, which can sort stocks based on parameters like liquidity, volatility, trend, momentum and volume, etc., and found three trading opportunities for you.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 6 (8 February 2019)
Friday February 8th there are two Finnish stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Optimism rules, three solid buy candidates (6 February 2019)
Since their bottom in late December, many global indices have recovered by 8 to 16 per cent on closing basis. S&P 500 gained around 16 % and FTSE 100 and Oslo Stock Exchange are up by 8 per cent, to name a few.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 5 (1 February 2019)
Friday February 1st there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 4 (25 January 2019)
Friday January 25th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 1 (4 January 2019)
Friday January 4th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut neljäs vuosineljännes 2018 (3. tammikuuta 2019)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat neljäntenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 3 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Erityisesti salkut Norjassa ja Tanskassa tekivät hyvän tuloksen, kun taas Ruotsin salkku menestyi huonosti.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 52 (28 December 2018)
Friday December 28th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 51 (21 December 2018)
Friday December 21st there are two Finnish stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for the medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 50 (14 December 2018)
Friday December 14th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: Energy stocks look strong in the medium term (12 December 2018)
The US markets have been in a somewhat sideways to downward trend in the past few weeks. But one sector that is enjoying a good time is utilities stocks. Many of them are near multi-year high.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 49 (7 December 2018)
Friday December 7th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: 1 Buy and 2 Sell Signals (5 December 2018)
Today we have analysed three US stocks that are world renowned companies and belong to different sectors: one sports brand, another in consumer packaged goods and one in aviation.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 48 (30 November 2018)
Friday November 30th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Global stocks: Buy signals in three European stocks (28 November 2018)
Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at three stocks from three different European markets; Germany, the Netherlands and Finland.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 47 (23 November 2018)
Friday November 23rd there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: FANG stocks - could they fall a further 10-20 per cent? (21 November 2018)
Big stocks that have majorly underperformed the markets in the last couple of months are FANG stocks. The question is what may happen to their stock prices in the coming time.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 46 (16 November 2018)
Friday November 16th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: Defensive stocks - 2 buy and 1 sell (14 November 2018)
Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at a couple of stocks that are considered defensives, as traders and investors use them as a hedge to safeguard their portfolios from major downside.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 45 (9 November 2018)
Friday November 9th there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Global stocks: 2 buy and 1 sell, LSE listed stocks this week (8 November 2018)
This week we filter for liquidity, volatility and technical score, and find stocks that could turn out to be good bets in the coming weeks and months.
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Global stocks: Market sentiment - What are investors thinking? (31 October 2018)
Today we are taking a quick view at the broader US market indices US500 (S&P500), NASDAQ-100 index (NASDAQ Composite Index) and the Hausse index.
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Global stocks: Three stocks with great upside potential (24 October 2018)
US markets had a slightly rough day yesterday, with DJIA, S&P500 and Nasdaq all down between the range of 0.4 and 0.55 per cent. On the other hand, a few stocks are holding on with a strong grip and would not let go, while some are gearing up to rise.
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Global stocks: Short-term trading possibilities (17 October 2018)
As the market goes up and down, we found some short term trading opportunities. We have selected stocks that have a volatility percentage of close to 11 or lower and liquidity of over 200 million dollars on a monthly basis.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 41 (12 October 2018)
Friday October 12th there is one Finnish stock in Top 10 Scandinavia. The stocks are selected for medium long term from Scandinavia’s (NOR-SWE-DEN-FIN) most traded stocks.
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Global stocks: Three negative stocks based on our automatic scoring system (10 October 2018)
Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at three liquid stocks that overall score negative by Investtech's algorithms on all time frames. We make sure to choose ones that are liquid enough for anyone to trade.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 40 (5 October 2018)
Friday October 5th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, four Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Global stocks: 2 buy and 1 watch, rectangle formations on the go (3 October 2018)
Analyst Kiran Shroff looks at three stocks with signals from Rectangle formations.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut kolmas vuosineljännes 2018 (3. lokakuuta 2018)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat kolmantena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 1,3 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 2,2 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 39 (28 September 2018)
Friday September 28th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, four Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: All-time highs and lows (26 September 2018)
Many world indices are at or closer to their multi-year highs. However, some stocks follow the market and some go against it. We go a little diverse country-wise and sector-wise as we go through international stocks this week.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 38 (21 September 2018)
Friday September 21st there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, two Norwegian, no Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Global stocks: Commodities this week - Brent Crude, Gold and Silver (19 September 2018)
Commodities prices for Brent Crude, also known as black gold, Gold and the most widely used industrial metal Silver are based on a wide range of factors. What do the charts say about commodities? Let us have a look.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 37 (14 September 2018)
Friday September 14th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Global stocks: 3 buying opportunities (13 September 2018)
Share prices are a broader picture of investor sentiment and demand-supply, and a direct representation of what is happening inside a company or an instrument. Whether it is a bite of an APPLE, a news coverage by the service provider Thomson Reuters or the Fortune 500 listed Johnson & Johnson, everything is reflected in their share prices.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 36 (7 September 2018)
Friday September 7th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, five Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Global stocks: 3 buying opportunities (4 September 2018)
S&P 500, NASDAQ and OMXSPI.ST, to name a few, are some of the indices across the globe that are around their all time highs. The driving force is certainly confidence among investors and hope to earn a little extra.
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Commodities analyses: Gold and Silver (29 August 2018)
Investtech analyses a number of commodities and gives buy and sell recommendations every day. Today we have had a closer look at gold and silver.
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Global stocks: 3 buys and 1 sell (29 August 2018)
This week we have chosen to write about four well known liquid stocks from three different markets around the globe.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 34 (24th August 2018)
Friday August 24th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Global stocks: Three stocks from three different markets (22 August 2018)
This week we have chosen to write about three well known stocks from three different markets around the globe.
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Global stocks: Four interesting stocks listed on global exchanges (15 August 2018)
We have analysed four international stocks, including one Indian stock to mark India's Independence Day today. These companies are leaders in their own fields and very popular worldwide.
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How to use Investtech’s Stock Selection Tool (15 August 2018)
Powerful functions are now added to Stock Selection. Read on to learn how to make the most of this valuable tool.
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Global stocks: 3 solid buy (8 August 2018)
We have analysed three American stocks that are popular and very liquid. All three of them are buy recommendation.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 27 (6th July 2018)
Friday July 6th there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut toinen vuosineljännes 2018 (5. heinäkuuta 2018)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat toisena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 5,4 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 2,4 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 26 (29th June 2018)
Friday June 29th there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, three Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 23 (8th June 2018)
Friday June 8th there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, four Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 22 (1st June 2018)
Friday June 1st there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 21 (25th May 2018)
Friday May 25th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 19 (11th May 2018)
Friday May 11th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 18 (4th May 2018)
Friday May 4th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 17 (27th April 2018)
Friday April 27th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of two Swedish, three Norwegian, three Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 16 (20th April 2018)
Friday April 20th there are three new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of two Swedish, four Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut ensimmäinen vuosineljännes 2018 (16. huhtikuuta 2018)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut laskivat ensimmäisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 1,1 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 15 (13th April 2018)
Friday April 13th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of two Swedish, four Norwegian, four Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 14 (6th April 2018)
Friday April 6th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 12 (23 March 2018)
Friday March 23rd there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, three Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 11 (16 March 2018)
Friday March 16th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 10 (9 March 2018)
Friday March 9th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, three Norwegian, one Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 9 (2 March 2018)
Friday March 2nd there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 8 (23 February 2018)
Friday February 23rd there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, two Norwegian, three Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 7 (16 February 2018)
Friday February 16th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 6 (9 February 2018)
Friday February 9th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, one Norwegian, two Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 5 (2 February 2018)
Friday February 2nd there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, no Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Sell Bitcoin now (1 February 2018)
In less than a month, the euphoria of the Cryptocurrency market has turned into strong fear and pessimism.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 3 (19 January 2018)
Friday January 19th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Investtech launches cryptocurrency analyses (18 January 2018)
The total value of the world’s cryptocurrencies was c. 4,000 billion NOK Wednesday morning, according to coinmarketcap.com. Consequently, the cryptocurrency market cannot now be ignored.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 2 (12 January 2018)
Friday January 12th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, four Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut neljäs vuosineljännes 2017 (4. tammikuuta 2018)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat neljäntenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 3,7 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Sumoessa salkku voitti indeksin 2,9 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 51 (22 December 2017)
Friday December 22nd there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 50 (15 December 2017)
Friday December 15th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 49 (8 December 2017)
Friday December 8th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, one Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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New analysis platform (6 December 2017)
Launching Investtech’s analyses in new and better design! The analyses are better than ever with new functionality and statistics.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 48 (1 December 2017)
Friday December 1st there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 47 (24 November 2017)
Friday November 24th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Head and shoulders formations have low predictive power in the short term (14 November 2017)
Inverse/ head and shoulders formations in Investtech's short term charts have low predictive power. This is shown in a research report from Investtech based on 19 years of data from the Oslo Stock Exchange in Norway.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 45 (10 November 2017)
Friday November 10th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 44 (3 November 2017)
Friday November 3rd there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 42 (20 October 2017)
Friday October 20th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, no Norwegian, two Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 41 (13 October 2017)
Friday October 13th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, no Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut kolmas vuosineljännes 2017 (10. lokakuuta 2017)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut laskivat kolmantena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 2,8 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 40 (6 October 2017)
Friday October 6th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 39 (29 September 2017)
Friday September 29th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, no Norwegian, one Danish and four Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 37 (15 September 2017)
Friday September 15th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 36 (8 September 2017)
Friday September 8th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, three Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 35 (1 September 2017)
Friday September 1st there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, no Norwegian, five Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 34 (25 August 2017)
Friday August 25th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 32 (11 August 2017)
Friday August 11th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 28 (14 July 2017)
Friday July 14th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut toinen vuosineljännes 2017 (5. heinäkuuta 2017)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat toisena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 8,4 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 4,7 prosenttipisteellä.
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Short term double bottom/top formations contradict technical analysis theory (30 June 2017)
A research report from Investtech based on 19 years of data from the Oslo Stock Exchange in Norway shows that short term double bottom/top formations contradict established technical analysis theory. The results indicate that classical technical analysis theory should be revised.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 26 (30 June 2017)
Friday June 30th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, no Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 25 (23 June 2017)
Friday June 23rd there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, one Norwegian, four Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Statistics on short term rectangle formations – Oslo Stock Exchange 1996 - 2014 (14 June 2017)
A research report from Investtech based on 19 years of data from the Oslo Stock Exchange in Norway shows that buy signals from short term rectangle formations statistically gave a price increase of 4.7 per cent in the three months following the signal.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 23 (9 June 2017)
Friday June 9th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 22 (2 June 2017)
Friday June 2nd there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 20 (19 May 2017)
Friday May 19th there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 19 (12 May 2017)
Friday May 12th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 18 (5 May 2017)
Friday May 5th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, one Norwegian, four Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 17 (28 April 2017)
Friday April 28th there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 16 (21 April 2017)
Friday April 21st there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and five Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 14 (7 April 2017)
Friday April 7th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of two Swedish, one Norwegian, five Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut ensimmäinen vuosineljännes 2017 (5. huhtikuuta 2017)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat ensimmäisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 2,3 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 13 (31 March 2017)
Friday March 31st there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish,one Norwegian, three Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Double bottom/top formations have low predictive power in the medium long term (24 March 2017)
Double bottom and double top formations in Investtech's medium long term charts have low predictive power. This is shown in a research report from Investtech based on 19 years of data from the Oslo Stock Exchange in Norway.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 12 (24 March 2017)
Friday March 24th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of two Swedish, five Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Head and shoulders formations have low predictive power in the medium long term (17 March 2017)
Inverse/ head and shoulders formations in Investtech's medium long term charts have low predictive power. This is shown in a research report from Investtech based on 19 years of data from the Oslo Stock Exchange in Norway.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 11 (17 March 2017)
Friday March 17th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, four Norwegian, no Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 9 (3 March 2017)
Friday March 3rd there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 8 (24 February 2017)
Friday February 24th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, two Norwegian, no Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Return following signals from long term rectangle formations (22 February 2017)
Geometric price patterns, like rectangles, are used in technical analysis to predict future price development. We have studied the price movements that followed long term buy and sell signals from rectangle formations on the Oslo Stock Exchange in a period of 19 years, from 1996 to 2014.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 7 (17 February 2017)
Friday February 17th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 6 (10 February 2017)
Friday February 10th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 5 (3 February 2017)
Friday February 3rd there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 3 (20 January 2017)
Friday January 20th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, five Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 2 (13 January 2017)
Friday January 13th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, two Norwegian, three Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut neljäs vuosineljännes 2016 (3. tammikuuta 2017)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat neljäntenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 1,8 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 8,4 prosenttipisteellä.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 51 (23 December 2016)
Friday December 23rd there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, two Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 49 (9 December 2016)
Friday December 9th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 48 (2 December 2016)
Friday December 2nd there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 45 (11 November 2016)
Friday November 11th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, one Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 44 (4 November 2016)
Friday November 4th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, two Norwegian, three Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 43 (28 October 2016)
Friday October 28th there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 42 (21 October 2016)
Friday October 21st there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, three Norwegian, three Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 41 (14 October 2016)
Friday October 14th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, four Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.
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The Trend Bible (11 October 2016)
We are proud to present The Trend Bible at www.thetrendbible.com - Investtech's comprehensive guide to stock trading based on trends!
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 40 (7 October 2016)
Friday October 7th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, three Norwegian, no Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut kolmas vuosineljännes 2016 (3. lokakuuta 2016)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat kolmantena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 4,2 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 39 (30 September 2016)
Friday September 30th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of one Swedish, four Norwegian, one Danish and four Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 38 (23 September 2016)
Friday September 23rd there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, two Norwegian, two Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 37 (16 September 2016)
Friday September 16th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of two Swedish, one Norwegian, five Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 35 (2 September 2016)
Friday September 2nd there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of one Swedish, three Norwegian, two Danish and four Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 34 (26 August 2016)
Friday August 26th there are eight new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of three Swedish, no Norwegian, five Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 32 (12 August 2016)
Friday August 12th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, one Norwegian, two Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut toinen vuosineljännes 2016 (11. elokuu 2016)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat toisena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 2,3 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 27 (8 July 2016)
Friday July 8th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, two Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 26 (1 July 2016)
Friday July 1st there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 24 (17 June 2016)
Friday June 17th there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, no Norwegian, six Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Technical analysis: The Oil Sector (10 June 2016)
This week we have looked at crude oil and some of the larger international companies in the oil sector.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 23 (10 June 2016)
Friday June 10th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Rising and falling trends – return in the following three months (31 May 2016)
Trends are some of the most important elements in the theory of technical analysis, and are widely used by investors as a basis for investment decisions. The theory says that stocks in a rising trend will continue to move within the trend. To what extent is this true and can it be used to achieve excess return?
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 21 (27 May 2016)
Friday May 27th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, no Norwegian, four Danish and two Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 20 (20 May 2016)
Friday May 20th there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of two Swedish, no Norwegian, seven Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 19 (13 May 2016)
Friday May 13th there are seven new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, one Norwegian, five Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 17 (29 April 2016)
Friday April 29nd there are nine new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of five Swedish, no Norwegian, two Danish and three Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 16 (22 April 2016)
Friday April 22nd there are six new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of four Swedish, three Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 15 (15 April 2016)
Friday April 15th there are five new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of six Swedish, one Norwegian, three Danish and no Finnish stocks.
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Top 10 Scandinavia - week 14 (8 April 2016)
Friday April 8th there are four new stocks in Top 10 Scandinavia, which is now made up of seven Swedish, one Norwegian, one Danish and one Finnish stock.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut ensimmäinen vuosineljännes 2016 (4. huhtikuuta 2016)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut laskivat ensimmäisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 1,6 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 4,4 prosenttipisteellä.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut neljäs vuosineljännes 2015 (5. tammikuuta 2016)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat neljäntenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 16,1 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 16,9 prosenttipisteellä.
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Overbought RSI – Preliminary Research Results (5 November 2015)
Is overbought RSI a sell signal? Or is RSI largely a momentum indicator, which makes high RSI a buy signal? We have studied price development after RSI has reached extreme levels on the stock exchanges in Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen and Helsinki. The preliminary results are exciting.
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Buy before December – Seasonal variations on the Scandinavian Stock Exchanges (16 October 2015)
Investtech’s statistics based on three decades of data show that the Scandinavian stock exchanges rise from early winter until early summer. We have studied this seasonality in further detail below.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut kolmas vuosineljännes 2015 (7. lokakuuta 2015)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat kolmantena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 13,2 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut toinen vuosineljännes 2015 (1. heinäkuuta 2015)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat toisena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 7,3 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 4,0 prosenttipisteellä.
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High and Low Volume Balance - Preliminary Research Results (25 June 2015)
What does high or low volume balance mean for future price development? Does it signal rising or falling prices? We have looked at price development following volbal22 reaching extreme levels on the stock exchanges in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut ensimmäinen vuosineljännes 2015 (7. huhtikuuta 2015)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat ensimmäisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 6 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomessa salkku voitti indeksin 8,3 prosenttipisteellä.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut neljäs vuosineljännes 2014 (5. tammikuuta 2015)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat neljäntenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 11,5 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut kolmas vuosineljännes 2014 (7. lokakuuta 2014)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut laskivat kolmantena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 3,8 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Better the car than the stock (3 October 2014)
Many of the car stocks are technically negative, so if you need money for a new car, investing in car stocks may not be the way to go.
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Important indices show that optimism prevails (3 September 2014)
Analyses of leading indices show that long-term optimism dominates the big stock exchanges.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut toinen vuosineljännes 2014 (1. elokuuta 2014)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat toisena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 1,1 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut ensimmäinen vuosineljännes 2014 (14. huhtikuuta 2014)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut antoivat ensimmäisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimääräisesti samantasoisen tuoton kuin viiteindeksit.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut neljäs vuosineljännes 2013 (3. tammikuuta 2014)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat neljäntenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 7,6 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut kolmas vuosineljännes 2013 (2. lokakuuta 2013)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat kolmantena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 5,9 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut toinen vuosineljännes 2013 (23. heinäkuuta 2013)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat toisena vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 1,1 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomissa salkku voitti indeksin 0,6 prosenttipisteellä.
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My favourite indicator is Trend (30 May 2013)
R&D Manager Geir Linløkken about his favourite technical indicator: Trend.
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Understand the psychology of the stock market (24 May 2013)
Technical analysis and behavioural finance use investor psychology to predict future stock market developments.
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Tuloksia malliosakesalkut ensimmäinen vuosineljännes 2013 (19. huhtikuuta 2013)
Investtechin malliosakesalkut nousivat ensimmäisenä vuosineljänneksenä keskimäärin 5,1 prosenttipistettä viiteindeksiin verrattuna. Suomissa salkku voitti indeksin 1,9 prosenttipisteellä.
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Investtech ei takaa analyysien tarkkuutta tai kattavuutta. Kaikkien analyysien tuottamien neuvojen ja signaalien käyttäminen on täysin käyttäjän vastuulla. Investtech ei vastaa mistään tappioista, jotka saattavat syntyä Investtechin analyysien käytön seurauksena. Mahdollisten eturistiriitojen yksityiskohdat mainitaan aina sijoitusneuvon yhteydessä. Lisätietoja Investtechin analyyseistä löytyy täältä disclaimer.

Investtech ei takaa analyysien tarkkuutta tai kattavuutta. Kaikkien analyysien tuottamien neuvojen ja signaalien käyttäminen on täysin käyttäjän vastuulla. Investtech ei vastaa mistään tappioista, jotka saattavat syntyä Investtechin analyysien käytön seurauksena. Mahdollisten eturistiriitojen yksityiskohdat mainitaan aina sijoitusneuvon yhteydessä. Lisätietoja Investtechin analyyseistä löytyy täältä disclaimer.



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When you use our website, we store a cookie on your device. The cookie is used to recognize your device so that your settings work when you use our websites. The information that is stored is completely anonymised. Cookies are automatically deleted after a certain time.

Necessary cookies

Investtech uses cookies to ensure basic functions such as page navigation and language selection. Without such cookies, the website does not function as it should. You cannot therefore make a reservation against these. If you still want to disable such cookies you can do so in your browser settings. In the Cookies section add this website to the list of sites which are not allowed to save cookies on your device.

Cookies from Google

We use services from Google Analytics and Google AdWords. These register cookies on your device when you visit our website. Google registers your IP address in order to keep statistics on user activity on the website. The IP address is anonymised, so that we have no opportunity to link the activities to a specific person. We use these statistics to be able to offer more interesting content on the website and to constantly improve ourselves. Google AdWords collects data so that our advertising on other websites gives better results. We cannot trace the data of individuals.

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