Telia Company (TELIA.ST)

Close: 32.62 (-1.20), Sep 27, 2024
Complete report

Algorithmic Overall Analysis

Positive (Score: 84)

Sep 27, 2024. Updated daily.

Analyst's Recommendation


Sep 25, 2024. 3 days ago.







Low risk

Liquidity risk: LowVolatility risk: Low

Investor Psychology - Behavioural Finance - Quantitative Analysis - Scientific Methods

Technical Analysis - Insider Trades - Seasonal Variations - Intraday Trading

Stock data

Vol.bal. Volatility Liquidity +/- %
1 day-0.94%433.70-3.55%
5 days-23.323.29%303.30-3.63%
22 days8.119.35%302.83+3.52%
66 days14.3019.33%276.00+17.37%
Price dateSep 27, 2024
Rise from year low58.80%
Fall from year high-4.65%

Automatic technical analysis. Short term

chart Telia Company (TELIA) Short term

Short term

Telia Company has broken the floor of the rising trend channel in the short term, which indicates a weaker initial rising rate. The stock has support at kronor 31.90 and resistance at kronor 34.20. The RSI curve shows a falling trend, which could be an early signal of the start of a falling trend for the price as well. The stock is overall assessed as technically neutral for the short term.

Recommendation one to six weeks: Hold (Score: 25)

Automatic technical analysis. Medium term

chart Telia Company (TELIA) Medium term

Medium term

Telia Company has broken through the floor of a rising trend channel in the medium long term. This indicates a slower rising rate at first, or the start of a more horizontal development. The stock has broken a support level in the short term and given a negative signal for the short term trading range. The stock has support at kronor 26.00 and resistance at kronor 34.20. The stock is overall assessed as technically neutral for the medium long term.

Recommendation one to six months: Hold (Score: -3)

Automatic technical analysis. Long term

chart Telia Company (TELIA) Long term

Long term

Telia Company shows strong development within a rising trend channel in the long term. This signals increasing optimism among investors and indicates continued rise. The stock has given a positive signal from the inverse head and shoulders formation by a break up through the resistance at 26.28. Further rise to 35.07 or more is signaled. The stock is testing support at kronor 32.40. This could give a positive reaction, but a downward breakthrough of kronor 32.40 means a negative signal. The stock is overall assessed as technically positive for the long term.

Recommendation one to six quarters: Positive (Score: 89)

Full history

chart Telia Company (TELIA) Full history

Candlesticks 95 days

chart Telia Company (TELIA) chart0

Candlesticks 22 days

chart Telia Company (TELIA) chart0

Insider Trades

chart Telia Company (TELIA) Insider trades reported last 18 months

Insider trades reported last 18 months. The stock is wholly positive on Insider Trades.

 List date Trade date Count Price Value Text Importance 
 Sep 5, 2024 Sep 5, 2024 20000 32.95 659 Eric Hageman (ekonomichef/finanschef/finansdirektör) köper 20000 100 
 Jul 30, 2024 Jul 30, 2024 15000 32.19 482 Patrik Hofbauer (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 15000 100 
 Jun 14, 2024 Jun 14, 2024 1600 26.96 43 Stein-Erik Vellan (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 1600 19 
 Jun 14, 2024 Jun 14, 2024 40000 26.90 1076 Eric Hageman (ekonomichef/finanschef/finansdirektör) köper 40000 100 
 Jun 13, 2024 Jun 13, 2024 20000 26.79 535 Patrik Hofbauer (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 20000 100 
 Jun 11, 2024 Jun 11, 2024 10000 26.60 266 Mathias Berg (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 10000 93 
 May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024 30000 26.40 792 Patrik Hofbauer (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 30000 100 
 May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024 33000 25.18 830 Patrik Hofbauer (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 33000 100 
 May 6, 2024 Apr 25, 2024 10000 25.83 258 Rainer Deutschmann (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 10000 92 
 Apr 29, 2024 Apr 25, 2024 14100 23.54 331 Heli Partanen (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 14100 100 
 Apr 26, 2024 Apr 26, 2024 15000 25.59 383 Ingrid Anne-Sofie Åkesson Bonde (styrelseledamot) köper 15000 100 
 Apr 26, 2024 Apr 25, 2024 5000 24.91 124 Thomas Andersson (arbetstagarrepresentant i styrelsen eller arbetstagarsuppleant) köper 5000 60 
 Apr 26, 2024 Apr 25, 2024 134 25.36 3 Carina Ståhlberg v/Thomas Andersson (arbetstagarrepresentant i styrelsen eller arbetstagarsuppleant) köper 134
 Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024 5000 25.25 126 Jeanette Ingrid Leona Jäger (styrelseledamot) köper 5000 61 
 Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024 5571 25.13 139 Maria Romberg Ewerth (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5571 65 
 Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024 35000 25.32 886 Patrik Hofbauer (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 35000 100 
 Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024 3000 24.65 73 Stein-Erik Vellan (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 3000 39 
 Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024 30000 25.04 751 Lars-Johan Jarnheimer (styrelseordförande) köper 30000 100 
 Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024 10000 25.05 250 Anders Olsson (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 10000 90 
 Mar 19, 2024 Mar 19, 2024 27069 25.48 689 Maria Romberg Ewerth (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 27069 100 
 Mar 15, 2024 Mar 15, 2024 2000 25.62 51 Stein-Erik Vellan (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 2000 25 
 Mar 6, 2024 Mar 5, 2024 16000 24.32 389 Patrik Hofbauer (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 16000 100 
 Mar 6, 2024 Mar 5, 2024 4139 24.12 99 Ola Rembe (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 4139 51 
 Mar 4, 2024 Mar 4, 2024 10000 24.41 244 Mathias Berg (annan ledande befattningshavare) köper 10000 89 
 Feb 28, 2024 Feb 28, 2024 5000 24.39 121 Stefan Backman (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5000 59 
 Feb 27, 2024 Feb 27, 2024 4123 24.25 99 Ola Rembe (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 4123 51 
 Feb 26, 2024 Feb 23, 2024 10000 24.29 242 sarah eccleston (styrelseledamot) köper 10000 89 
 Feb 23, 2024 Feb 23, 2024 42000 24.72 1038 Patrik Hofbauer (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 42000 100 
 Feb 21, 2024 Feb 21, 2024 2000 24.97 49 Stein-Erik Vellan (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 2000 24 
 Feb 16, 2024 Feb 15, 2024 10000 24.66 246 Markus Messerer (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 10000 90 
 Feb 15, 2024 Feb 12, 2024 2638 24.24 63 Maria Romberg Ewerth (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 2638 34 
 Feb 9, 2024 Feb 9, 2024 4000 24.24 96 Ola Rembe (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 4000 50 
 Feb 6, 2024 Feb 6, 2024 5000 25.40 127 Stefan Backman (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5000 61 
 Jan 31, 2024 Jan 31, 2024 2700 26.55 71 Stein-Erik Vellan (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 2700 38 
 Jan 26, 2024 Jan 26, 2024 10000 25.37 253 Stefan Backman (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 10000 91 
 Jan 26, 2024 Jan 26, 2024 6000 25.88 155 Ola Rembe (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 6000 69 
 Dec 18, 2023 Dec 12, 2023 6047 25.47 153 Heli Partanen (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 6047 69 
 Dec 11, 2023 Dec 11, 2023 10000 26.00 260 Mathias Berg (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 10000 92 
 Dec 7, 2023 Dec 5, 2023 1728 25.46 43 Maria Romberg Ewerth (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 1728 20 
 Nov 27, 2023 Nov 24, 2023 4079 24.51 99 Maria Romberg Ewerth (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 4079 51 
 Oct 27, 2023 Oct 27, 2023 6900 23.80 164 Ola Rembe (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 6900 72 
 Oct 27, 2023 Oct 27, 2023 10000 24.01 240 Markus Messerer (annan ledande befattningshavare) köper 10000 89 
 Oct 27, 2023 Oct 27, 2023 4200 24.28 101 Stein-Erik Vellan (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 4200 52 
 Oct 26, 2023 Oct 26, 2023 5000 23.69 118 Stefan Backman (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5000 58 
 Oct 19, 2023 Oct 19, 2023 5000 25.00 125 Stefan Backman (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5000 60 
 Sep 14, 2023 Sep 14, 2023 50000 22.41 1120 Eric Hageman (ekonomichef/finanschef/finansdirektör) köper 50000 100 
 Sep 12, 2023 Sep 12, 2023 3100 22.38 69 Ola Rembe (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 3100 37 
 Sep 11, 2023 Sep 11, 2023 3000 22.18 66 Stein-Erik Vellan (annan ledande befattningshavare) köper 3000 35 
 Sep 7, 2023 Sep 7, 2023 4083 22.04 89 Maria Romberg Ewerth (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 4083 47 
 Sep 7, 2023 Sep 7, 2023 10000 21.88 218 Rainer Deutschmann (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 10000 84 
 Sep 6, 2023 Sep 6, 2023 15000 22.00 330 Mathias Berg (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 15000 100 
 Aug 3, 2023 Aug 2, 2023 6400 21.85 139 Ola Rembe (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 6400 65 
 Jul 20, 2023 Jul 20, 2023 5300 24.22 128 Ola Rembe (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5300 61 
 Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023 5000 24.27 121 Stefan Backman (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5000 59 
 Jun 7, 2023 Jun 7, 2023 5300 24.90 131 Ola Rembe (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5300 62 
 Jun 5, 2023 Jun 5, 2023 20000 25.10 502 Lars-Johan Jarnheimer (styrelseordförande) köper 20000 100 
 Jun 1, 2023 Jun 1, 2023 12000 25.27 303 per christian moerland (ekonomichef/finanschef/finansdirektör) köper 12000 99 
 May 3, 2023 May 3, 2023 10000 27.59 275 Allison Kirkby (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 10000 95 
 May 3, 2023 May 3, 2023 10000 27.59 275 Rainer Deutschmann (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 10000 95 
 Apr 27, 2023 Apr 27, 2023 20000 27.98 559 per christian moerland (ekonomichef/finanschef/finansdirektör) köper 20000 100 
 Apr 27, 2023 Apr 27, 2023 5000 27.94 139 Ola Rembe (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5000 65 
 Apr 27, 2023 Apr 27, 2023 5000 27.92 139 Allison Kirkby (verkställande direktör (vd)) köper 5000 65 
 Apr 26, 2023 Apr 26, 2023 18500 27.57 510 Tomas Eliasson (styrelseledamot) köper 18500 100 
 Apr 26, 2023 Apr 26, 2023 5000 27.65 138 Stefan Backman (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5000 64 
 Apr 26, 2023 Apr 26, 2023 8096 28.10 227 Heli Partanen (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 8096 86 
 Mar 21, 2023 Mar 21, 2023 5000 26.55 132 Stefan Backman (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5000 63 
 Mar 20, 2023 Mar 20, 2023 5000 27.00 135 Mathias Berg (annan medlem i bolagets administrations-, lednings- eller kontrollorgan) köper 5000 63 


chart Telia Company (TELIA) Medium term

Automatic technical analysis of the stock, based on last closing price. The chart may have changed since the analyst's recommendation was written.

Low risk

Liquidity risk: LowVolatility risk: Low

Analyst's Recommendation

Sep 25, 2024 (3 days ago)
David Östblad

Recommendation one to six months: Positive

David Östblad, Sep 25, 2024 (price 33.80)

Stigande trend och maximalt positiv på insidehandel Under de senaste tre månaderna har värderingen på telekombolaget Telia Company stigit med över 22 procent. Det är ett resultat av att investerare har valt att betala högre kurser för aktien. Investtechs algoritmer har identifierat en stigande trendkanal på kursdiagrammet för medellång sikt och det är en tekniskt stark köpsignal enligt Investtechs forskningsresultat.
Det kortsiktiga momentumet i aktien är starkt positivt och det saknas motstånd där ytterligare uppgång indikeras. Vid reaktioner tillbaka har kursen stöd vid cirka 26.10 kronor.
Telia Company är maximalt positiv på Investtechs insideranalys och aktien är totalt sett tekniskt positiv på en medellång investeringshorisont (1-6 månader).
Recommendation one to six months: Positive

Published: Morning Report (Sep 25, 2024 08:09), Today´s Case (Sep 25, 2024 08:09) [DO]


The analysis is written by Investtech's analyst on the given date based on the price charts of this date. The analysis is meant to be valid for a few weeks, up to a few months. Later price developments may indicate changes in the market and investor optimism, and render the analysis outdated. Investtech's automatic analyses, updated daily, will often reflect such changes.

Vol.bal. Volatility Liquidity +/- %
1 day-0.94%433.70-3.55%
5 days-23.323.29%303.30-3.63%
22 days8.119.35%302.83+3.52%
66 days14.3019.33%276.00+17.37%

Previous recommendations

David Östblad, Aug 6, 2024 (price 30.39)

Stigande trend och maximalt positiv på insideranalys På kursdiagrammet för medellång sikt utvecklas kursen till Telia Company inom en stigande trendkanal som Investtechs algoritmer har identifierat. Det är ett resultat av att investerare under det senaste året har valt att betala högre kurser för att köpa in sig i bolaget. Det är en bra köpsignal enligt Investtechs forskningsresultat baserat på 35097 liknande trender över en 12-årsperiod.
Det saknas motstånd i kursdiagrammet och ytterligare uppgång indikeras. Vid reaktioner tillbaka har kursen stöd vid cirka 26.20 kronor.
Telia Company är maximalt positiv på Investtechs insideranalys där bland annat bolagets VD har köpt aktier för 482.000 kronor den 30 juli 2024. Aktien är totalt sett tekniskt positiv på en medellång investeringshorisont (1-6 månader).

Recommendation one to six months: Positive
Published: Morning Report (Aug 6, 2024 08:32), Today´s Case (Aug 6, 2024 08:32) [DO]

David Östblad, Jun 26, 2024 (price 27.93)

Maximalt positiv på Insiderköp Aktiekursen till Telia Company utvecklas inom stigande trendkanal som är identifierad på kursdiagrammet för medellång sikt. Det är ett resultat av att investerarna över en längre period har accepterat högre kurser för att köpa in sig i bolaget. Det signalerar ökande optimism bland investerarna och är en stark köpsignal enligt Investtechs forskningsresultat på trender.
Det saknas motstånd i kursdiagrammet och vid reaktioner tillbaka har kursen stöd vid cirka 26.50 kronor.
Telia Company är maximalt positiv på Investtechs insideranalys med flera nyliga köp av personer med ledande befattningar i bolaget. Aktien är totalt sett tekniskt positiv på en medellång investeringshorisont (1-6 månader).

Recommendation one to six months: Positive
Published: Morning Report (Jun 26, 2024 08:09), Today´s Case (Jun 26, 2024 08:09) [DO]

Analysts' recommendations last 18 months

chart Analysts' recommendations last 18 months
 Positive/Weak Positive
 Negative/Weak Negative
History of Investtech's analysts' analyses of the stock. Analyses are shown by coloured dots on the day the analysis was based on.
EvaluationTime horizonPricePublishedAnalyst
PositiveMedium term33.80       Sep 25, 2024 08:09, Morning Report, Today´s CaseDO
PositiveMedium term30.39       Aug 6, 2024 08:32, Morning Report, Today´s CaseDO
PositiveMedium term27.93       Jun 26, 2024 08:09, Morning Report, Today´s CaseDO
Weak PositiveMedium term26.61       May 30, 2024 08:47, Morning ReportLGW
PositiveMedium term27.18       Mar 27, 2024 07:30, Morning ReportLGW
PositiveMedium term26.89       Jan 25, 2024 09:32, Nordic Top 10EG
PositiveMedium term26.49       Jan 4, 2024 10:32, Nordic Top 10EG
PositiveMedium term25.28       Dec 3, 2023 00:00, Morning Report, Today´s CaseLGW
PositiveMedium term25.37       Oct 20, 2023 08:40, Morning Report, Today´s CaseLGW
PositiveMedium term28.47       Apr 27, 2023 23:31, Morning ReportLGW

DO: David Östblad (Analyst)

EG: Espen Grønstad (Senior Advisor)

LGW: Lars-Göran Westerberg (Analyst)

Seasonal variations

Seasonal prediction from today's date

chart Seasonal prediction from today's date
The blue line shows average price development the past 10 years, in the period from three months before to six months after today's date. The black line is actual price development in the past three months. Shaded areas are one and two standard deviations.

Monthly and annual statistics

chart Average development per month, last 10 years

Average development per month, last 10 years
chart Average development throughout the year, last 10 years

Average development throughout the year, last 10 years

Annual development from 2015 to 2024

chart 2015
chart 2016
chart 2017
chart 2018
chart 2019
chart 2020
chart 2021
chart 2022
chart 2023
chart 2024

Early warning

Close prices next day that when broken will generate new signals 
Short Term Trading Range34.21-
Last close32.62-
Long Term Trading Range24.65-
Indicator:Type of indicator generating the signal
Price:If close price next day has crossed this value, a technical signal is created
Objective:Price target for the positive or negative signal (Only listed for patterns)


DatePriceSignalTime spanTarget
Sep 27, 202432.62Short Term Trading RangeMedium term-1.00

Key ratios


Dividend yield: 1.6%

chart Telia Company - Dividend yield

P/E: 26.5

chart Telia Company - P/E

P/S: 1.4

chart Telia Company - P/S

P/B: 2.4

chart Telia Company - P/B

Dividend per share: 0.53

chart Telia Company - Dividend per share

Earnings per share: 1.23

chart Telia Company - Earnings per share

Revenue per share: 22.57

chart Telia Company - Revenue per share

Book value per share: 13.47

chart Telia Company - Book value per share

Market cap million SEK: 128 265.

De siste nøkkeltallene er beregnet ut fra delårsrapportene siste 12 måneder og sluttkurs 32.62 fra Sep 27, 2024.

Financial data

Revenues107 31184 17879 86783 55985 96589 19188 34390 82788 78588 749
Profit for the year10 2056 49610 1469 4897 261-22 47711 661-14 1658974 838
Profit margin9.5 %7.7 %12.7 %11.4 %8.4 %-25.2 %13.2 %-15.6 %1.0 %5.5 %
Book value97 88489 83399 97097 34491 04662 83680 73264 23953 46852 953
Equity ratio40.2 %37.4 %43.2 %41.2 %35.0 %28.2 %35.2 %30.4 %25.2 %26.8 %
Revenue per share24.7819.4418.4419.5620.7221.8121.6023.1022.5822.57
Book value per share22.6120.7523.0922.7921.9415.3619.7416.3413.6013.47
Earnings per share2.601.652.582.411.85-5.722.97-3.600.231.23
Dividend per share3.302.202.532.561.902.
Dividend payout140 %147 %108 %115 %109 %-38 %75 %-56 %877 %43 %

Dividend yield

chart Telia Company - Dividend yield
Dividend yield is the company's share dividend in relation to the share price. It is a measure of return to shareholders. Dividend yield is calculated as Dividend per share/Share price.

Dividend yield for TELIA is 1.6%.

P/E - price/earnings

chart Telia Company - P/E
P/E stands for Price/Earnings, that is, share price in relation to the earnings per share. The key figures are used when assessing a share price in relation to the company's profit. Example: A P/E number of 10 means that the share costs 10 times the company's annual profit. P/E is calculated as Share price/Earnings after tax per share.

P/E for TELIA is 26.5.

P/S - price/sales

chart Telia Company - P/S
P/S stands for Price/Sales, that is price relative to sales. The key figures are used when evaluating a share price in relation to the company's sales. Example: A P/S number of 2.0 means that the stock costs 2.0 times the company's annual turnover. P/S is calculated as Share price/Revenue per share.

P/S for TELIA is 1.4.

P/B - price/book

chart Telia Company - P/B
P/B stands for Price/BookValue, that is price relative to equity. The key figures are used when evaluating a share price in relation to book equity. Example: A P/B figure of 1.8 means that the share costs 1.8 times the company's equity. P/B is calculated as Share price/Equity per share

P/B for TELIA is 2.4.

Help and information - Research shows the importance of Trend, Momentum and Volume

Investtech’s analyses focus on a stock’s trend status, short term momentum and volume development. These are central topics of technical analysis theory that describe changes in investor optimism or fluctuations in a company’s financial development. However, Investtech’s strong focus on these elements is due to research results that clearly indicate causation between these factors and future return on the stock market.


Rising trend
Theory: Stocks in rising trends will continue to rise.

Psychology/economy: Rising trends indicate that the company experiences positive development and increasing buy interest among investors. Read more

Research: Stocks in rising trend channels in Investtech’s medium long term charts have been followed by an annualized excess return of 7.8 percentage points compared to average benchmark development. This is shown by Investtech’s research into 34,880 cases of stocks in rising trends on the Nordic Stock Exchanges in the period 1996 to 2015.
Read more about the research results here



Theory: Stocks with rising short term momentum will continue to rise. Stocks with very strong momentum (overbought) will react backwards.

Psychology/economy: RSI above 70 shows strong positive momentum. The stock has risen in the short term without any significant reactions downwards. Investors have kept paying more to buy stocks. This indicates that more investors want to buy the stock and that the price will continue to rise. Read more

Research: Stocks with strong momentum have on average continued to rise, and more so than the average stock listed on the Exchange. This is shown by Investtech’s research into 24,208 cases of stocks on the Nordic Stock Exchanges in the period 1996 to 2015 where RSI went above 70 points, indicating strong and increasing short term momentum. On average, annualized, the stocks rose the equivalent of 11.4 percentage points more than the average stock.
Read the research report here



Theory: Rising prices on high volume and falling prices on low volume indicate strength in a stock. Volume can confirm a rising trend or signal that a falling trend is ending.

Psychology/economy: When investors very much want to buy a stock, they have to increase the price to find new sellers. Rising price on high volume shows that some investors are so aggressive that they push the price up to be able to buy the stock. Investtech’s Volume Balance tool measures the relation between price rise and volume and measures investor aggression at rising and falling prices. Read more

Research: Stocks with volume balance above 40 have been followed by an average annual return of 4.7 percentage points on the Nordic Stock Exchanges, shown by research conducted by Investtech into 24,580 cases.
Read the research report here


Investtech's analyses

Investtech has combined theory, psychology and research into powerful investment tools.

Read more.

About Investtech

Investtech are behavioural finance and quantitative stock analysis specialists. The company sells analysis products to private, professional and institutional investors. Investtech manage the AIFM company Investtech Invest, which invests customers’ funds in the stock market.

Investtech’s computers analyze more than 28,000 stocks from 12 different countries every day. The analyses are presented in eight languages and sold to customers worldwide. In addition to the automatic analyses, the company’s analysts present subjective assessments and recommendations for some markets. The analyses are available to customers in the form of daily morning reports and cases, and weekly market updates and model portfolios.

Investtech’s algorithms for analysis, ranking and stock recommendations are based on research dating back to 1993. Part of the research was conducted in cooperation with Oslo University and the Norwegian Research Council. Research still has high priority for Investtech. Many of the company’s research results are available for customers on the company’s web site.

The company’s basic product starts at approx. 30 euro per month. Investtech also provides bespoke products for integration on partners’ web sites and for use in newsletters, for example to stock brokers and the media. Contact us by e-mail to or by phone +47 21 555 888 for more information. A free trial subscription is available to order on our web site

Head Office

Investtech AS
Strandveien 17
1366 Lysaker

+47 21 555 888

Postal address

Investtech AS
Strandveien 17
1366 Lysaker

VAT no. 978 655 424 MVA

Research Department

Instituttveien 10
2007 Kjeller

Investor Psychology - Behavioural Finance - Quantitative Analysis - Scientific Methods

Technical Analysis - Insider Trades - Seasonal Variations - Intraday Trading


Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer. The content provided by is NOT SEC or FSA regulated and is therefore not intended for US or UK consumers.

Investtech guarantees neither the entirety nor accuracy of the analyses. Any consequent exposure related to the advice / signals which emerge in the analyses is completely and entirely at the investors own expense and risk. Investtech is not responsible for any loss, either directly or indirectly, which arises as a result of the use of Investtechs analyses. Details of any arising conflicts of interest will always appear in the investment recommendations. Further information about Investtechs analyses can be found here disclaimer. The content provided by is NOT SEC or FSA regulated and is therefore not intended for US or UK consumers.



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