
The table gives an overview of all stocks, alphabetically sorted.

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 Unifirst UNF Jul 26, 2024 191.25 -0.54   
 Unilever UL Jul 26, 2024 60.73 +2.79   
 Union Bankshares UNB Jul 26, 2024 26.13 +4.10   
 Union Pacific UNP Jul 26, 2024 240.36 +2.13   
 uniQure QURE Jul 26, 2024 8.34 -2.74   
 Unisys UIS Jul 26, 2024 4.83 +1.05   
 United Airlines UAL Jul 26, 2024 47.37 +1.39   
 United Bancorp UBCP Jul 26, 2024 12.66 +1.04   
 United Bankshares UBSI Jul 26, 2024 39.32 +2.58   
 United Community Banks UCBI Jul 26, 2024 31.51 +1.06   
 United Community Banks Pref UCBIO Jul 26, 2024 24.45 +0.99   
 United Fire Group UFCS Jul 26, 2024 22.06 +0.46   
 United Homes Group A UHG Jul 26, 2024 5.77 -6.03   
 United Kingdom Alphadex First Trust FKU Jul 26, 2024 39.77 +1.87   
 United Kingdom Index MSCI Ishares EWU Jul 26, 2024 36.02 +1.44   
 United Maritime USEA Jul 26, 2024 2.58 0.00   
 United Micro Electronics ADR UMC Jul 26, 2024 7.70 +3.63   
 United Natural Foods UNFI Jul 26, 2024 15.53 +5.65   
 United Parcel Service UPS Jul 26, 2024 128.83 +1.38   
 United Parks & Resorts PRKS Jul 26, 2024 55.50 +1.04   
 United Rentals URI Jul 26, 2024 752.21 -0.27   
 United Security Bancshares UBFO Jul 26, 2024 8.14 +0.25   
 United States Antimony UAMY Jul 26, 2024 0.35 +0.03   
 United States Cellular USM Jul 26, 2024 52.20 0.00   
 United States Lime & Minerals USLM Jul 26, 2024 83.93 +2.67   
 United States Steel X Jul 26, 2024 40.75 +0.30   
 United Therapeutics UTHR Jul 26, 2024 338.22 +0.55   
 United-Guardian UG Jul 26, 2024 10.62 +1.53   
 UnitedHealth Group UNH Jul 26, 2024 569.72 +1.79   
 Uniti Group UNIT Jul 26, 2024 3.69 +1.93   

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